Yes! I’ll start the conversation on the Splatoon channel and get groups together.
Yes! I’ll start the conversation on the Splatoon channel and get groups together.
Bad week for different parts of the country. Glad you’re well and it at least sounds like services are starting to be restored on Hokkaido, but I’m sure the remote places will be far more difficult to get back to normal...crazy that Nintendo’s Direct delay announcement was the first I heard of that earthquake...
Happy Friday!
Daggone it. I posted my WAYPTW on the Guacamelee thread, because it was the “big” article and WAYPTW has always been Friday’s “big” article...
Good point: it almost seems to be making reference-as-the-joke-style brain candy that makes shows like Big Bang Theory popular rather than providing any insight into the issues those mechanics create.
I have, for some silly reason, been “saving” Severed until a better time, and I really need to start it this weekend on my 3DS. The Day of the Dead theme never really was that compelling to me, but I can deal with it OK. Honestly, I think DrinkBox’s aesthetic almost delves into the Samurai Jack art style, where it’s…
I somewhat ironically first played Guacamelee! standing in line for a Nintendo E3 event at Best Buy, and really enjoyed it. Since, I got it for Wii U and I bought Severed as well later. I do enjoy the art style, and it feels great, but I always encounter the struggles of the “combat platform adventure” where I bounced…
That figurine is beautiful. I always wanted to try my hand at those, but I simply don’t have the money to invest in the right tools, nor the time to learn how to use them. It’s a vicious cycle...
I love your interpretation of Never Alone’s mechanics. You’re absolutely right about it seeming like a nuisance at first, but later you realize the wind simply is.
I have a lot of ground to cover - busy week followed by a busy weekend!
You did an admirable job, and niche tastes are kinda of what we love here, so there’s no need to think that metaphorical ditch is a bad place!
Matt is on Discord, and I’m going to admit that I his recent activity on the Unofficial Gameological Discord meant something was up...
Matt, you have been our rock here at Gameological, even when we became discouraged, frustrated, intolerant, scattered to the wind, and turned our backs on you in droves. You persevered with your job and made your articles as insightful as ever, maintaining the spirit of Gameological even after we lost our name...
All those 2D games in the early 3D era were so smooth and rich, though I’ll admit I was weary of them as much as anyone at the time because my interests lied more in simulations. It wasn’t until, of all games, Knuckles Chaotix that I started to appreciate the art and complexity that had become possible, though I still…
I’m excited about the Splatfest, too, and I’m trying to get back into Splatoon 2 after over a week away. I chose Octopus for reasons only related to the psychology of which side I think will win the event, and I’m almost not having fun because I’m way too competitive...
I don’t know that I want to nominate anything as the game(s) I want...
Still is sitting- still is sitting
On that pallid bust of Pallas perched above my chamber door.
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming
And the lamplight o’er him gleaming casts its shadow on the floor.
Welcome back, and I wish I had a third game that was an anagram of Prey or Pyre - Yerp or Repy is about all that’s left...
Mothergunship looks wonderful! I realized the other day that what makes cars appealing to certain people also applies to guns - they are mechanical systems that can have a wide variation in form and function. A “car” can be everything from a pickup truck, with exterior cargo space for carrying dirty goods (like dirt,…
On the Switch, I can understand that they want you to press one button on each JoyCon to ensure the connections are stable (and if you’re using a “connected” controller, like a Pro, then it just proves you are definitely using that device). Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U was just “Press A”, so it’s definitely an…
You also pretty much just described Elite: Dangerous (or any of the Elite series), which goes to show that it’s “seafaring” all the way down!