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    F/A-18 Interceptor was excellent, mostly because it was one of those few simulators that ran smoothly on my A500, and I think I was able to land on the carrier at some point! It was also how I was able to roughly familiarize myself with the San Francisco Bay, so buzzing Alcatraz was pretty much an every-session ritual.

    I’ve been absent the last couple of Fridays because of work and lack of preparation (I can’t just compose on the fly like I had been able to lately), but I can’t agree more with your sentiments of thanksgiving.

    Good question: the only ones I can really think of that resemble this type other than the ones you have mentioned are on the 3DS - there are a few puzzle-adventure type games, including the Nine Persons, Nine Hours, Nine Doors/Virtue’s Last Reward/Zero Time Dilemma series, Professor Layton (whose puzzles are often

    I don’t have the dash or wall jump yet, and I’m feeling the same way about the flow. I hear that overcoming the initial hour or so of the game (though I think I strayed too deep and ended up losing all my currency, which means I’ll probably have to overcome another 45 minutes or so again) is necessary before the

    See above below elsewhere, but I finished Shovel Knight! (It wasn’t called Shovel of Hope when I started playing it - in fact, I started playing it the day it was released for Kickstarter backers on 3DS...but those last levels were brutal. Just getting to each lamp was harder than finishing any individual level

    I forgot about Sonic Mania on Switch because I previously didn’t have a Switch, but that needs to go on the wish list, though it sounds as if I can wait on the Encore Mode.

    I will say this about it; Splatoon is far more my speed, as one can contribute passively, and what I’ve played of Rocket League, fine control is difficult...I just launch and hope for the best, while many people actually leap in a meaningful fashion. I didn’t find a feel for it right away like I did with Splatoon.

    I was pretty sure it did have offline multiplayer, and a cursory look online implies one exists, but since I don’t have a copy yet, I’ll have to defer to someone that does. I’ve definitely played split-screen on the XBox One, and I thought we did both offline and online matches. Again, my memory is fuzzy, but look

    I would argue pulling out the Holy Grail gag for the Knight-Knight battle is funnier on first blush, but there are SO MANY good animations in Battle Chess.

    Are you playing Sushi Striker on 3DS? I’m so far behind now, and I’ll definitely work on unlocking online play as soon as I can. I was enjoying that game (though I was hitting my own plateau in terms of enjoyment, frustration, and skill) until I got the Switch and started in on Splatoon 2 while returning to Animal

    That’s awesome about your Father’s Day gift, and I love that you’re using it as an opportunity to share it with him! It can be a good, quick, pick-up game - play a set before bed, or after homework or something. It’s one of the things that really romanticizes raising kids, but then given my circumstances in life, I’m

    Ooh! Rocket League was going to be my first online multiplayer game on Switch, then Fortnite and Splatoon 2 came along suddenly after I got one, pushing it back to fall or so. I hear you about teaming with random people...and I hope you don’t resign to your fate - ask around and see who here can help! It’s

    Good on you making Level 15 so quickly! I never thought I’d switch from rollers (as they were rollicking with me as well), but when I went to the Aerospray MG, with the Curling Bomb Special, I’ve been able to cover more turf and get more splats without much effort. I’m terrible as well for aiming erratically, but I’m

    Yeah, if you simply wait until he wakes up, he’ll gladly let you do it.

    Especially if they made riskier options (like putting carnivores and herbivores together, or putting the raptor display in the middle of the food court where they can kill more people if when they escape) attract more visitors, while making the consequences stick a little longer.

    Look forward to seeing you appear in my Friend request, and my first Salmon Run with the group was a great way to get in. We used the Discord Voice feature to good effect, as we used the text to organize times!

    I take it the game leans more in the SimCity vein, where it’s more about building and park containment than controlling the amount of salt in the french fries and the ice in the soda?

    Even though I’m still drinking from a firehose on Spla2n (I LOVE “Splatuno”!), I already excited for you to run around in the new game. I highly recommend at least jumping into Grizzco for a tutorial on Salmon Run. I can’t believe how it changes up the “downed teammate” concept and gives you agency even after you’ve

    I find your intolerance for pulp to be close-minded...Those that like pulp are those that would likely also drink pulpless (I remember when they started selling orange juice with pulp as a feature...so I’ve lived in a pulpless world).

    Don’t fret it, my friend! If you go into it knowing it’s a phase, it won’t get you down, which can lead into a cycle of not wanting to play. Rest, focus on what interests you now, and be excited that you have a bunch of games that will be waiting for you when you’re ready!