
I would take this dude’s word over the ‘bear with me’ taco guy in the emoji ad any day of the week.

Personally don’t really enjoy watching Howard play but these are fair points. Pretty well documented that Kobe is a nightmare and I really don’t see how people deal with Harden at all, watching him politely waving at the ball as someone goes by him, play after play. Just maddening and bound to bring out the worst.

Fair point though, if say Falcon were killed it would lack some impact. Also, there does seem to be a pretty clear indication of a Black Widowmovie in phase 4 and there is, contractually anyway, the possibility of a Hawkeye movie.

Personally I can’t believe that anyone would be delusional enough to believe that any of the key cash registers flying around the screen in a marvel movie would ever be in any danger of not surviving for another sequel.

How did you forget to mention that the dramatic pause included her looking right into my soul?

If those garbage wheelie things that catch on fire can be called a hoverboardz this sure as hell can. Though Flyboard, as the company calls it, works pretty well too.

She was singing Prince’s song. It is actually kind of amazing that there are a number of artist’s whose defining, signature song was written by Prince.

Tweeting a pic of Mr. Manziel is his high.

What's amazing that for it were just the pot smoking video he'd say that Tunsil just has to "show some maturity here," and fess up.

Is there a chance that “Mr. Normal” has a problem more with Mr. Clarkson being Mr. Clarkson and less with any rando in a exotic? Seems to me that this could be less class warfare and more some folks think Clarkson is a dick.

This is a damn classy response. It reminds me of my uncle who ran his shop from a creeper for 40 some years and who, against the odds, absolutely loved rotary engines. Partly for their different-ness but more because in his estimation, if you followed the rules, they would drive smooth and reliably as long as you

Watching Harden’s patented, effort-free-d sometimes puts me in the mindset of a broken down old sportswriter who thinks players today are spoiled because they don’t have to carry their own bags or something. I just cannot see how it doesn’t have a corrosive, fuck this, influence on anybody trying to play with him.

You cannot put down throwing shit as representing that the, “crowd is invested, passionate, emotional. It only represents that some in the crowd are moronic assholes. Nothing here to be, “understandbly proud,” of at all. Dressing it up or valuing it as anything other than stupid is just dumb.

Carmelo is the one who had to tell Ramis to give rookies court time down the stretch of a lost season! Meaning in the context of the dolan-jackson-rambis knicks, he’s actually the most graceful regresser they have.

Indeed. The far more successful women's team is the one who should gettin' paid.

It is incredible that someone who finds other people “horrifically overrated” then has the sand to tell those same people that their experience of life and culture must be “remarkably” limited and that they need to expand their horizons by enjoying a maudlin, self-serious movie. I’d suggest you expand your horizons by

Not bad but that one doesn’t have a roof. They often do!

+1,000. If you are sad enough to sit through two hours of this nonsense then you have call to complain about how lame it is.

Calling the most thrilling player in the game ”a disease” is rage inducing in its abject stupidity but the “will survive the age of...” stuff calls for some kind of intervention. You aren’t describing barely survived eras there but instead players any fan of basketball loved to watch. Are there people who believe that

If you really find Ballmer’s intense but good-natured goofballery more cringe inducing than Sterling’s scumbag grotesque-ery than I’d really have to wonder if maybe you didn’t really have a problem with Sterling’s racism in the first place?