Meaning, these are the smart people. Any closer to the “action” at a Sixers game should come with a Surgeon General’s warning. From nosebleed, it almost looks like a basketball game down there.
Meaning, these are the smart people. Any closer to the “action” at a Sixers game should come with a Surgeon General’s warning. From nosebleed, it almost looks like a basketball game down there.
The stubbornly huge group of people whose use of the word “bro” comprises at least 38% of their spoken language.
I have been hoping that you’d include the Stevenson piece in your Bush obit because it ends up pointing out the raging dumpster fire of immoral know-nothings that GOP consists of when that fact that Bush occasionally, timidly, pointed out that one of the guys he was running against was a lunatic it somehow made him…
I’m not concerned about the fact that you have no horse but more with the fact that you also have no eyes.
/I wonder how the Knicks will fuck this up
Tingus Pingus 4evar!
Let's hope he's learned to start planning for the Christmas party early.
A I would totally buy a deadspin, Tingus Pingus jersey.
Ha! Fair enough. In that scenario, I grant you, they’d pay for themselves. However, a few kids in I’ve learned to be quite quick on policing door action. Plus, with these I’m sure I’d be arguing about whether or not a kid trying to hang a ride from one is covered under warranty.
Yeah the thing is, there are bigger problems for Tesla to be solving then, “no dinging the next car’s door.” Especially if they are solving that (not really a problem) problem in the most complicated way imaginable.
There are stories about what happened...It’s true. All of it.
But he prays on it!
That is amazing. I shudder to think about what tweets jimbo feels are making Cards fans look bad in light of his ‘simple facts’.
I love that one minute they are talking about blood supply to the brain and the next time he comes up that he has, naturally, “Lotta heart.” Sports!
My guess is that, aside from watching a three minute video that tells them not to use offensive language, they aren't trained at all.
Among the many oddities about this, one of the oddest is the fact that real hunters are sure to be among the most offended by this story! This garbage is grossly disrespectful to everything a dyed in the wool hunter believes in so, asumming, which I do, that the there are a fair number of serious hunters in the NFL I…
This exactly. My older parents moved to a CUV from a sedan for exactly this reason.
Given that the leading offensive play the Knicks have been going with the past few years is to force a terrible move and then wildly flail your arms as the ball is stripped.... this is dude confusing and almost hard to watch.
Hmm... You are leaving out the part where he says she would be “insane” to try the kick in the first place.