
How is it disingenuous? The author takes suggestions then gathers information about the most compelling choices. If he quotes directly from someone’s suggestion they are credited. If you think someone putting together this list without directly asking for contributions is pulling it directly from memory without

The case for the Red Sox is so strong you didn’t even mention that James Taylor song about Angels that, frankly, should have put a end to celebrity Fandom forever.

All the talk about the use of Harvey in the ninth is kind of pointless to me because Duda’s throw was little league bad. When I saw that he was going I was actually relieved because I was sure he was out (and what an ending!) but Duda was not even close and watching the replay over and over it seemed pretty clear the

I’ve never heard anyone complain about players, within the game, stealing signs which every one agrees is acceptable. However, once you have an institutional infrastructure like a camera, which I’ve understood to be the complaint against the blue jays, that seems, as you say, absurd.

This is what I’ve always loved about shit-talking Larry Bird stories where he tells a defender exactly what he’s going to do, “go left, pull up and shoot just outside the key,” or some such then he’d pull it off and say, “I told you what I was going to do and you couldn’t stop me! What chance do you have without the

This deserves many, many more stars. Well said.

I’m amazed at how much push back you are getting here. Yours is a fairly settled view within the space flight community.

Yes the real issue here is not assholes throwing stuff to protest a correctly, as it turns out, call, it is that someone has made a different choice on what to do with their child than you would. That is really the heart of the matter.

Not really a cogent point there at all, he just wanted to say full Goodell.

While it is true that grilles are often just a design crutch this look just does not make a good argument for doing away with them. It kind of looks like they did away with the grille at the latest minute and just stapled the bottom to the top together to be done with it

The first reason is all it took for me. Once I saw that Sony wad going, again(!) with some absurdly priced proprietary memory nonsense I was out of the running. Just felt like, even with an otherwise great product, they were looking for suckers.

The fact that they went black and white without any interesting graphic, in the style known as ‘crushing bore’, makes it seem to me like they are trying to be invisible to the nets. ‘I’m your new roommate but you’ll never know I’m here!’

/argue about the wave.

Lies. No one who uses the word “prolly” has ever had sex.

Your contribution is implicating the victim’s “judgement” in what happened as if there is ANY scenario where a beat down should or could even be a remote possibility when in fact that’s cigaretteburns-on-the-brain insane.

This an almost insane reply. Since 1980 the average height of an NBA player has ranged from 6’5’’ to 6’7’’ which is a good 7 to 9 inches more than the average American male. There are few clearer examples of a genetic advantage in an athletics. The games themselves aren’t contested in height but the ability to compete

They are so good that streaming other people’s video has become a side business for them. HBO and now the NHL are clients.