Louise Of House Belcher

Why is In Bruges on this list? That's in my top 5 favorite movies…but I would never put it on a list of comedies.

ctrl+f "21 Jump Street"

John Malkovich's particular brand of not-giving-a-fuck is divine!

That place is incredible! I played roller derby there a few months ago.

The Man in the Iron Mask is simultaneously boring and hilarious. The director was just like "Do whatever accent you want! Nobody will notice!"

Oh, Dean. A Man-Snooze for the Ages!

I haven't seen any marketing for this movie (Ah, the joys of not having TV. APPLE TV 4EVER!). This sounds surprisingly entertaining. I'll check it out if it makes it to the cheap theater by my house that sells booze.

Why doesn't this have more upvotes??

I just had to look this up…How did he end up working on The Mindy Project?

I think if I watched the show week to week, the inconsistencies wouldn't stick out as much, but I watched 5 or 6 episodes at a time on Hulu. It's ridiculous. Doesn't ruin the show for me, but it keeps me from getting invested in the characters. The one-liners are almost always stellar, but I wish I could really get

I haven't made it all the way through season 4 yet, but Ed Weeks really grew on me. He brings a lot of heart to the show. I'm glad they gave his character more to do than his initial womanizing storylines, but I wish they were more consistent. I loved when he pretends to be Adam Pally's Dartmouth Bro. Silly episode,

I only saw it once, but to me, Lincoln should have ended when the GOATPOTUS left for the theater. Instead, we had to sit through his death and some rousing speech. Spielberg should have skipped that and left us with that silhouetted image of him as he leaves for the play. Much more poignant.

I was so annoyed by the girl you mentioned that I almost downvoted your comment.

I dated one of those fuckers. He didn't actually follow soccer, he just thought it was cool and different, and he has some distant cousins who live in England or some shit. Ugh. *Jean Ralphio voice* The woOooOOoOrsttttt!!

I loved that movie! So fun! And the costuuuuuuuumes!

True…but I think that huge explosion and the smoldering sept was pretty clear confirmation. Tommen was just like "Fuckity bye"

Seconded (or, I guess, thirded or fourtheded, at this point). Season 2 was great!

I LOLed when I saw that Lyanna was played by the sex-crazed babysitter from The Fall.

He does get confirmation, doesn't he? His squire comes in and says "I'm very sorry" or something like that.

He is just so one dimensional. "I'm going to murder my family! WHEEEE! Look how evil my eyes arrrrrrrrrrreeeeeee!"