Louise Of House Belcher

God, I hope not.

Kevin Dunn couldn't be better! I have a feeling he won't get nominated though…he makes it look way too easy.

This is one of the best episodes of the show to date, and certainly the best this season. So much to unpack. I'm glad we finally got a glimpse into Ben and Kent's lives. The Precious Moments figurines!

It took me a REALLY long time to realize what you meant by _____ Day movies. But yes, you're totally right. How will I explain those to my children?

I think I heard Sam Rockwell say McDonagh's next film is going to take place in the south and will star Rockwell, Frances McDormand and Woody Harrelson. I'm INTO IT.

This sums up my feelings about the film. There were a few interesting scenes and the cinematography was amazing, but I felt every minute of that movie. I couldn't wait for it to be done for the last 45 minutes. And I found the ending to be entirely unsatisfying. Though I would much rather see movies like this get made

I haven't seen Dogtooth, but "lazily Kafkaesque" is a perfect description of The Lobster. I thought it was a drag. The premise, which was interesting, did not pay off. I kept hoping we'd get to see the world from a lobster's eyes, or…I don't know… SOMETHING. The movie just meandered to a really unsatisfying and dull

Well if it makes you feel any better, high school was apparently ruined for HIM by a bunch of dicks. He went to my high school (20+ years before me) and hated the experience so much that he said "FUCK NOPE" to the school every time they asked him to give a commencement speech. Good for him! That high school suuuucks.

I went to Glenbrook North High School and grew up a few blocks away from that water tower. John Hughes disliked his high school experience so much that he refused the school every time they asked him to give a commencement speech.

Am I the only person in this town who doesn't just do whatevs, whenevs? Well fudge that sugar! Fudge it to heck!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Yeah! As a tall woman, Game of Thrones has made me really happy with their casting choices. Brienne and Sansa! Tower over the men! TOWER!!!

I was just asking myself if my issue with Dany was Clarke's acting or her storyline. I just groan every time she is on screen (although her story got a little more interesting when Varys and Tyrion showed up). I think it's like 70% story, 30% Clarke. I want to like that character because FEMALES ARE STRONG AS HELL

About Time filled a void that I didn't know I had (TWSS, obviously). What a sweet, sentimental movie that was, with tears being jerked ("Louise, you blowhard!) on multiple levels.

This is so heartbreaking. I don't know what to say other than I'm so sorry and I hope your family has found peace.

I'm very sorry for your loss and that our health system caused your godmother so much emotional and physical torment. :(

This is the truest truth



Haven't seen it, but I remember thinking it looked like utter crap when it came out.