Louise Of House Belcher

It's from the Jackie score. That was the best score I've heard in years. It fit the movie beautifully. So sad and haunting.

I just saw this. Loved it, aside from those extra songs and the half-assed attempt at backstory for Belle and the Beast. Luke Evans was absolutely perfect as Gaston. Spot-on casting, and a wonderful performance.

And even if people haven't seen it, they remember that Bruce Willy is in it.

Jumping on this comment waaaay after the fact, but I just watched this last night and I thought they made a point of having her apartment look fairly shitty (compared to, say, Girls). I'm sure she still couldn't afford an apartment like that on her own with a paralegal salary, but I appreciated they at least (sort of)

This is the best thing I've seen all week.

Ha, the alcoholism speculation is the only thing I remember for the trailer. What a POS marketing campaign.

I just rewatched this episode yesterday. A+ reference.

Obviously way late to the party on this, but I just watched the first 3 episodes last night. The entire cast is incredible. Riz Ahmed is perfectly cast, and he conveys so much emotion with minimal effort. I'm especially loving Bill Camp…what a great character. You take the typical cop, who has seen it all before, and

I started crying at that. Fuuuuck.

I was almost bored with the first 20 minutes of Beyond, and I didn't find the movie to be "fun". (I reserve that descriptor for things like Guardians of the Galaxy and the Fast & Furious movies)

This is VERY helpful. I watched the first two rebooted movies when they came out, and haven't revisited since, so I needed a refresher. I liked Beyond much better than Into Darkness. It felt more like Star Trek…there was noticeably more heart and character development (which didn't always work, but I appreciated the


I thought Finding Dory was hilarious (in addition to all the stuff about family and being yourself). The sea lions were my favorite, and I died every time that crazy bird showed up.

I know this thread is from over a month ago, but I just saw Finding Dory, so deaaaal.

Finding Dory was way funnier than I expected. I laughed everytime that haggard bird showed up.

The Emperor's New Groove is perfect!

The Skeleton Twins dealt with similar themes (pre-mid-life crises) but there was a lot more humor in it. I don't know if I'd call it a comedy, on account of the two suicide attempts in the movie. But my original point was: where are the actual comedies on this list? Pineapple Express, 21 Jump Street…and I'm sure

I only saw it once, a few years ago, and I remember it being deeply depressing. Generally speaking, I don't think it's hilarious to watch an alcoholic hit rock bottom.

Where the fuck is Pineapple Express? That movie is so good. And 21 Jump Street? This list is fucking terrible.

There are 5 or 6 movies on this list that I don't consider to be comedies at all. Young Adult????????? That was one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen. Punch Drunk Love?? Ghost World? Obvious Child??