Louise Of House Belcher

I didn't like Quicksilver in DoFP…the "Time In A Bottle" thing was fun, but that character doesn't fit the tone of the movie at all. Suuuuper cartoonish (yes, yes, I know it's a comic book movie, but still). Haven't seen Apocalypse yet. I'm waiting until it gets to the cheap theater that sells booze. Mmm…booze.

I haven't seen The Wolverine, but that comment kind of speaks to the lack of overall vision for the X-Men film franchise. I grew up on them and enjoyed DOFP quite a bit, but the films are all very singular to me…nothing like the multi-film stories and characterization you see in the MCU.

Such a simple and devastating insult

YES! The political outsider thing was so fucking funny.

I loved Selina's acceptance of being called a cunt at the end. "Did you ever figure out who called me a cunt, Amy? Was it everyone?"

I was in like 5th grade when the 1998 one came out, so it didn't really compute that they blamed everything on the French (although that's why Reno is there, right?). Ugh. Americans.

I've seen people do that bit in other variations over the years too, but I'm glad to know the original. I thought Gosling did it quite well.

Wait, is the Matthew Broderick/Hank Azaria/Jean Reno Godzilla the hilariously bad one? I grew up on that and enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than that one from a few years ago. What a fucking snooze that was after Cranston was gone.

There are plenty of remakes that are better than the originals…Ocean's 11 is one of these, in my opinion. Speaking of The Magnificent Seven and westerns, The 3:10 to Yuma remake is one of my favorite films. I think it far surpasses the original. I would also make that claim with True Grit.

It's called a remake, not a replacement. It happens all the time (see: Robocop, Ocean's Eleven, Planet of the Apes, The Producers, and HUNDREDS OF OTHERS including the Magnificent Seven remake coming out later this year). By changing the casting (and I'm sure many other key elements), it seems to me that Paul Feig was

Yeah, she was a revelation. Charming but not precocious. And I found out that she's Australian. I would never have guessed. That girl is going places!

I felt the same way about The Man From UNCLE last year…super fucking fun and stylish. No one else seemed to agree, though.

Which bit? I'm not too familiar with Abbott & Costello.

To be honest, I forgot he was even in that. Denzel owns that fucking movie.

Oh boy…Les Mis. Never cared for the play as a whole, but the music is alright. Russell Crowe wore the hell out of that Javert costume. He really looked the part. But wowowow did he struggle. Javert is a thankless part - "You stole bread, I'm going to make your life hell Jean Valjean!" - but, aside from a stern face,

I remember enjoying The Next Three Days but it did feel a bit sluggish. I don't remember the performances sticking out, but I thought the story was compelling enough.

Remember when Dame Helen Mirren was like "Sure, I'll play Nicolas Cage's mom"?

I haven't seen The Core! If you're comparing it favorably to National Treasure, I AM IN!

Well, not the whole thing. There is a little bit of Christmas in it though. I was confused at first though. "But…but…….where is the Christmas??"

Perfect comment! I fucking LOVED it.