Louise Of House Belcher

I haven't seen the TV spots, but I thought the theatrical trailer was great! Although Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of my all-time favorites, so all I really needed to see was "Shane Black" and I was 100% in. I thought the theatrical trailer was really fun, and seemed to sell the movie pretty well. Going in, I was pretty

I thought the funniest gun-related physical comedy was when Gosling is trying to find Crowe's non-existent ankle gun.

SAME. Finally saw it yesterday. It did not disappoint. Not as much sharp character development or clean plotting as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but I had a great time!

I don't think he was a great actor, but he always brought such charisma to everything he did. I appreciate that.

If you like National Treasure, I highly recommend Timeline. It has a lot of heart and a pretty amazing cast: young Gerard Butler, Paul Walker, Billy Connolly, and MICHAEL SHEEN as the villain. Very sincere, yet also dumb and enjoyable. And it was directed by Richard Donner.

Agreed! It's in my top 3 dumb movies. National Treasure, Timeline, Fast Five.

It's a play on how Game of Thrones characters are referred to by first name and the name of their house. So Robert Baratheon is sometimes referred to as "Robert of House Baratheon"…"Tyrion of House Lannister", etc. :)

I actually thought the direction of the movie was terrible. It worked out fine for some of the big set pieces and the big individual performances (I Dreamed A Dream, On My Own). But overall, I found the camera work to be sloppy and the CGI was distracting.

"Does she fuck? You're damn right she fucks!"

I would be surprised if Domhnall was cast in Harry Potter without some sort of pull from his dad. But it was a fairly minor role, and they needed as many gingers as possible. I really love everything else I've seen him in. About Time is especially charming. He was so hateable in Frank (and TFA, obviously). I loved his

I enjoyed the hell out of that movie. It should have been nominated for Best Costumes.

I was expecting a Keaton nom for Spotlight. :((((

Emily Blunt should have been nominated for Sicario. And, goddamn do I hope this is the year Roger Deakins finally fucking wins for Cinematography…seems unlikely though. It'll go to Lubezki. The Revenant was so beautiful in the quiet establishing shots, but a mess during the action shots. But the Academy loves

That seems like a ballsy move for an intern.

So who actually was responsible for the data breach? My money is on Amy.

"Can he fuck? You bet he can fuck!"

"Baghead" got one of the biggest laughs of the episode from me. I love that Hooli gives so few fucks about their poor pawn, they can't even get his nickname right.

This episode was so fucking great, everyone was firing on all cylinders. Doyle especially, glad he was able to shine.

Kent and Bill's reactions to Catherine's engagement were fucking beautiful.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognized Abu Nazir!