Louise Of House Belcher

Poor Ben

It looks like he ate a volcano

I'm also reading The Bone Clocks. I LOVE IT so far (I'm about 80 pages in) but my life has been bonkers busy recently so I haven't been able to make much progress. Of all the books to not have time to read….AGH!

I almost downvoted because of the mere thought of someone not liking H&O.

Ghost Dad was fucking awful, what a waste of time and it didn't add ANYTHING to Will's character, other than to give him/Sorkin more opportunities to preach about justice or whatever. And everything about that Charlie death scene was garbage. The editing, the music. Woof.


I think I went with "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??"

That very last moment, of her crying in Khan's arms…fuuuuuck. Claire Danes is incredible. I thought Brody's "return" played really well, and I almost always hate when shows bring a character back from the dead. But man, that scene hit me hard. Not sure at all what the Smash bf's deal is, but I am intrigued to see how

I squee-ed when I saw his name in the credits (a few moments before he actually appeared) and then I was like "Pleeeease have him be the villain!" the whole rest of the episode (even though his storyline ended somberly, with no inappropriate language)

Dan Bakkedahl was a surprising choice, I thought he was great.

I have never seen Southland but McKenzie really brought it in the 4th season of The OC, so I always have a fondness for him. Still undecided about him on this show. I mean, he's *fine*…and the writing isn't doing him any favors. If Donal Logue is struggling, there's not a lot of hope for less skilled actors like

I'm REALLY excited for Sleepy Hollow to come back. I kind of forgot how much I love that show…then I started seeing commercial after commercial and now I'm PSYCHED!

So Southland is good? I just don't see how Ben McKenzie can carry a series, but I'm willing to give him a chance, based just on the 4th season of The OC. I already have Gotham set up to record on my DVR.

Use Your Allusion

I am laughing so hard as "Szandor Arachnus"

I was sad he didn't get a chance to talk about Arrested Development, but then, what else is there to really say? He's flawless though, especially when he plays off of Michael's complete awkwardness re: religion.

I actually did a quick Google search yesterday to see if Pedro Pascal was Peruvian. I knew he was from… one of those places.

It's definitely great meme fodder. That one picture of him standing next to the murdered girls in The Shining is awesome.

H. Jon Benjamin or GTFO

I just watched the trailer without sound and the bear wasn't as creepy as I was led to believe, but it's still not very good. They needn't have bothered.