Louise Of House Belcher

Taystee and Poussey's white people voices are pretty brilliant. The two of them are so great together. Haven't finished this season yet but I've been sad to see their relationship deteriorate :(

So stunning!

I had to rewind that moment between Piper and her brother. Such a perfect sibling moment, and Taylor Schilling nailed the reaction to the news.

I think Bennett is fucking adorable so he mostly gets a pass, but I haven't really cared for his storyline this season. I don't really get what his endgame is…he just seems like such a fool and there is no way things will end well for him and Diaz.

…And don't call me goats.

*joins in slow clap*

That was some exceptional acting. I'll miss Charles Dance, but damn if he didn't own the fuck out of every single scene he was in.

Varys, Welcome to You're "DOOM!"

The delivery on "Nobody cares!" was so wondrously petulant

That episode was very strange and it took a serious turn after the whole phone debacle…Selina was just done. So to see that whole reaction to becoming President (in a dirty bathroom no less), it was just perfection. It was so natural and hysterical. One of my favorite Veep moments ever.

It's nice to see Mike be competent at his job. Sometimes.

"So, should I change your answer to Hitler?"

I cried laughing at that. It was a perfect balance of gravitas and utter confusion.

My favorite Zen Dan moment was him calling Mike "the Golden Bear". Because…what? And Mike's very subtle reaction was gorgeous.

I laughed the most at his awkward podium walk around. Holy shitttt. So stilted.

Yeah, that was impressive and slightly horrifying. Such a fun and hilarious detail that just came out of nowhere.

That guy really sold the inexperience. Great performance.

I knew things weren't going to end well when Oberyn continue to grandstand. What spectacular payback from The Mountain. My reaction: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I see what you mean… That's part of what I like about the instrumentation, particularly Nels Cline's guitar sound.

I see your point. I like Dillahunt better for sure though.