Louise Of House Belcher

I absolutely love Wilco and alt-country. I think they're just incredible musicians and have written some of my favorite songs. But I totally can see why people don't like them. Wilco works for me, but I definitely understand that it doesn't for everyone.

I tried so hard with David Lynch. There's just something about the pacing of his work coupled with the moodiness and surrealness that I just can't be bothered to care.

SAME! People I really respect raved about that movie and I sat through the whole thing thinking it would get better or that I'd care at some point. Nope.

Hey, it took me until like halfway through The Village to realize that Bryce Dallas Howard's character was blind, and that wasn't even the twist.

A movie which also featured B.D. Wong.

Amy was on point. Obi-Wah Kenobi was the perfect insult.

The only show I can think of with such noticeable recasting is Mad Men and its Tale of Four Bobbys.

I would be shocked if they had Cas and Dean get together. Not because I don't think the writers are capable of it (though, they probably aren't), but because there is no precedent for it in the show. Obviously Cas and Dean have a connection but if the show parlayed that into having them hook up I'd be baffled. I just

When he kept explaining that the Finnish lady meant "wolf"…Probably my favorite Gary whisper of all time (on par with him knowing someone's brother was in Rage Against The Machine)

I was surprised by the amount of penises on Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight.

Christopher Meloni in those leggings at the end… I did not hate it.

"He is like a man, but VERY tall"

My favorites:


I feel like Sue could go up to any random guy (white or otherwise) and commandeer his vehicle. She is a lady who gets what she wants.

I didn't find tonight's Silicon Valley to be that great, so I'm glad Veep delivered and just kept on delivering.

Let's throw cum! Let's throw cum! Let's throw cum!

I have unfortunately seen that Step Up movie, dude is appropriately bland.

1,000,000% agreed.

Nick's "who here is from Chicago?" was hilarious. And then it turned out that was all he had planned. Oh Nick Miller. So stupid, so adorable.