Louise Of House Belcher

Lana and Cece would make an AMAZING buddy comedy duo.

Pffft of course I'm not a 'rone

They've really found a nice balance of Coach, I like how he's been integrated into the show. It no longer seems forced.

Oh god, that was such a perfect Winston moment.

This is fucking devastating.

I will say, I very much enjoyed Stephen Merchant's angry "Single Ladies" lip sync.

That too

I couldn't believe what Sarah Palin said yesterday…something about waterboarding is like baptizing terrorists. I was like, "Even Iannucci wouldn't have one of his characters say something that psychotic." Veep is so close to life it's actually terrifying.

The lyrics sometimes toe the line of being too cutesy, but you're absolutely right that Rhett's lyrics have gone downhill. I still go see them live every chance I get though, because they do fan-service right and will always play old favorites. Always one of my favorite bands to see live, I know I'll scream myself


I got my friend into The Old 97's and he hasn't stopped thanking me every time he sees me, 6 years later. There is something so comfortable about their music for me (but that doesn't mean I like it all. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Grand Theatre)

I haven't listened to the whole album but I heard the 3 songs they did on Comedy Bang Bang (the one with Matt Berninger too. Dream podcast cast), and I really enjoyed them. I'll have to give the whole album a listen, I hope it's a return to form, as you said, and not a continuation of The Grand Theater albums, which I

That was some impressive aim for someone with one hand who hasn't operated a firearm in a few years.

Zach Woods has had some of the best lines. "My uncle used to say, 'You look like someone starved a virgin to death'" "I didn't mean to scare you, I know I have somewhat ghost-like features" and his poor sad questions about the party. Also, him in the short pants was kind of brilliant.

Oh god, the Jeremy Irons/Ron Jeremy mix up. Even my mom wouldn't do that, and she's notoriously bad with things like that.

It was even better that Amy and Mike (and possibly Gary?) knew about Meating Meyer but hadn't told Selina. They were like "No no nooooo"

Kevin Dunn is a king.

I laughed so hard at the Craig pronunciation gag. So so so dumb but I loved it.

What, you're too good for him now that he has pirate hook hands?

Jean Ralphio's double ankle monitors made my heart sing.