Louise Of House Belcher

I haven't listened in so long! AH! Will download post haste.

Yes, but why was it NOT the series finale? It would have been perfect as such.

It's not even just comedic acting, he's a funny guy. I'll never forget him on Doug Loves Movies. The movie Philadelphia was brought up and Doug Benson quipped "the city where AIDS was invented" and, without missing a beat, Hamm goes "it's the city where AIDS was perfected". He's sharp as a tack. I really hope he does

She is nothing short of perfection.

That was LITERALLY perfect

Wait, why wasn't this the series finale? I loved it, would have been the perfect send off.

Almost had you fooled!

I would love for Matt Walsh to get an Emmy nod. He's one of the hardest working and most innovative living comedians. I actually think he makes it look too easy, so he'll probably never get a nomination.

I was really looking forward to that. We was robbed.

It actually does make sense. They're both very cold and calculating. Still, DO NOT LIKE.

If Sue even remotely entertains the idea of a romance with Kent, I will lose it! Though they are both kind of robotic…It *almost* makes sense. Do not like.

Will Oberyn be there? Okay, send me to Dorne. I insist.

There was a really clear hint as to who did it in the wedding scene. A guest said something miiighty interesting.

I feel like Sansa is FAR too passive to do such a thing. She seemed relieved to not be marrying Joffrey, I can't see why she would risk her neck to kill him so publicly. Just doesn't seem like her MO. She's a survivalist, not a murderer.

Beer bar, you say?? That sounds delightful.

I use Mande's "no duh no doyyy" from the face painting video at least once a week. Nobody gets the reference, so I just end up looking like a jerk.

This is my favorite hatesong because of Joe Mande. He's fucking funny. I miss his Taking One For The Team features on Videogum (also, I miss Videogum). The T14TT about the Tyler Perry play is still one of my favorite things on the internet.

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My mom is on a gluten-free diet because it makes her RA meds more effective (or rather, gluten makes them less effective). And now that she's been on it for ~5 years, she gets really bloated and has stomach pains when she does cheat and eats something with gluten in it. So regardless of whether she actually has a real

I laughed so hard.