Louise Of House Belcher

They didn't even attempt to make them look the same. Different hair color/style, totally different face types. I find new Daario less skeevy…There was something about old Daario's hair/face that icked me out. Like, I know he was supposed to be sexy but I just found him creepy. Maybe because I am still holding out hope

Oh my god. So perfect.

Still one of my favorite Parks moments ever. Also, accurate.

You just nailed it! That's EXACTLY why Sansa has been my favorite character last season and now this one. I know most people think Dany is the strongest female character (or I've heard some say Cersei), but I really think Sansa and Arya are the most compelling ladies in the series. They represent two very different

I believe Nymeria is a she.

That was a great scene, and I really liked that The Hound sighed and went along with Arya's plan. Because at the end of the day he does care about her (like he cared about her sister, just a smidge). I know he says that she's basically just a bargaining chip, but he obviously trusts her enough to let her have her own

OH! They recast the guy. I was so confused by who that dude was but then I just shrugged and was like "ASOIAF" because I can't really keep any of the third tier characters straight.

I think he's great when he's given pure comedic material (loved him in Waiting) and he can pull of the romcom stuff as well. But I don't see him as an action star or superhero. He tries to be sarcastic and funny but it ends up playing as smarmy and disingenuous, instead of humanizing the character. Eh, but what do I

Yeah, but that was way too hammy.

Interesting…I can't imagine the makeup was that much more difficult than a lot of what he had done for Cloud Atlas.

Oh my god, I had totally forgotten about the Captain America cameo in Thor 2. That was brilliant.

I was more concerned by the giant helicarriers dropping out of the sky. Though I believe Black Widow says they fell into the Potomac, but it seems unlikely that the debris would just totally miss any civilians.

Yeah, that was damn good.

I actually wasn't sure if it was the same actress, it was more realistic than a lot of aging makeup I've seen.

Baby Chris Evans head is by far the most ridiculous thing in any of these Marvel movies. So distracting and weeeeeird.

Well apparently Fox cast their own Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch for X-Men Days of Future Past. So yeah, there won't be an X-Men/Avengers crossover anytime soon, seeing as Sony, Marvel Studios and Fox seem hell-bent on maintaining their own, separate franchises.

For a movie and a character called Captain America, they seem to avoid too much rah rah patriotic nonsense. Although I really want someone to recut that first fight scene and just have comic book letters that say "America!" "Pow!" every time Cap beats the shit out of someone.

I don't know anything about Dr. Strange, but Tennant did a damn good job of being distant and unlikable in Broadchurch.

I knew that guy had to be a professional fighter or something, because his butt was absurdly muscular. (I should really change my username to Tina of House Belcher)