Louise Of House Belcher

I know nothing about that character, but Elizabeth Olsen looks fucking rad. Excited to see her in action in the next one.

Speaking of which, god damn does Garry Shandling look terrible.

That's so bizarre. I am not a big Marvel fan or anything, but just vaguely hearing Sebastian Stan was in the movie, I knew he played the Winter Soldier/villain with no knowledge of his character/Captain America. I didn't even really see any trailers or TV spots…I guess I just know how movies work lol. Even if I didn't

Bahaha that's amazing. I would have cried laughing if I heard that.

At one point I turned to my boyfriend and was like, "That Carter Baizen is such an asshole", because I have no reference point for Sebastian Stan other than Gossip Girl. That said, I thought he was pretty menacing.

He was such a bizarre addition to that cast and yet I can't imagine it without him.

Oof, well now I don't even think I want to see it. That sounds terrible.


I still haven't seen his departure episode, since I just got back into adding it to my DVR right after he left, and that season wasn't on Netflix last I looked (about a year ago). I'm going to check to see if it's there right after I post this.

Cram it with walnuts, ugly!

I actually really enjoy Craig when he's used sparingly. Too much Craig is definitely too much.

I actually texted my boyfriend (who insisted I watch the episode immediately when I got home from a late night workout/practice, sleep be damned) and was like "Wait, did Nick and Jess break up??" I was just confused. It came out of nowhere.

The delivery of that line was just beautiful.

The sex tape segment was incredible, followed by the incredible racism segment. I also thought the Pancakes, Divorce, Pancakes episode was subtly brilliant. Poor Forrest.

Has Hannah been writing though? I mean, about things other than bone density.

That plot point was the final straw for me with Lena Dunham. To have her semi-autobiographical character get into the best writing program in the country is incredibly annoying and beyond narcissistic. Especially because all we've heard about Hannah's writing on the show makes it seem like juvenile garbage.

Really??? At least she's not afraid to speak up and call Marnie on her bullshit.

While we're on the topic of grading…please restore the community grade feature.

So, like, is Jessa going to be arrested for attempted murder?

Yeah, that was a spectacular eye makeup fail.