Louise Of House Belcher

If Alison isn't your favorite clone, don't even talk to me.

She seems like such a goof! And she does an exceptional job with the humor on Orphan Black. I was absolutely dying laughing *SPOILER ALERT* when Alison lets her neighbor get killed by the garbage disposal because she thinks she's a monitor. Her face goes from totally self-assured to "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" and then

I play roller derby and made a serious "squee" noise when Ben Wyatt declared his love of women on roller skates. Me! He's talking about meeee!

Holy shit. SO MUCH YES.

Corinth is famous for its leather!

Are you guys talking about my boyfriend Astronaut Mike Dexter?

That was really awesome. I'm surprised I haven't tired of those types of jokes, but I think the writers do a good job of spacing them out and letting Mison do his thing. I just love it.

Get Taye Diggs on that STAT

You would like the original Inbetweeners, series 3.

Liked for the Walk Hard reference. Poor poor Chris Brody.

There is actually a theory that the Mad Butcher also committed the Black Dahlia murder.

Of course it gets to Netflix Instant AFTER I buy the Director's Cut on Blu-Ray. OF COUUURSE. Still, excited to listen to the commentary and watch the special features.


I was hoping it would be something creative and fun. Nope.


keatonpotatoes at aol dot com

But what the hell was Cece's costume?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse laughing hysterically about the "whispering eye" is my favorite part. I haven't seen Role Models in a long time, but I remember that I liked it.

Don't go chasing waterfalls, you guys.