Louise Of House Belcher

I just read that in Schmidt's voice.


"Wishbone-level synopsis" just made me crack the fuck up.

That never occurred to me because I'm from Illinois, not far from Lake Zurich, and we have NOTHING like those green hills/mountains around the lake where she landed. I wish we did though, that was gorgeous.

Well that's not entirely true. I went to a planetarium last winter and they showed all the satellites in orbit (there are hundreds)…they're at all sorts of distances above the earth. Pretty fascinating, actually. But yeah, the movie certainly did show the destruction of the most massive man made stuff that's floating

That might be the only way for someone to make a more visually compelling/generally stunning space film. I saw it Friday night and am still completely in awe. I want to see it again but I'm not sure if I could emotionally handle that quite yet.

I am kicking myself for not seeing it in IMAX…because it was such an intense experience that I'm not sure I can handle another viewing for a long while.

I think it speaks to the flawless effects that I didn't even think about this once.

I can't think of a time where I was so immersed in a movie. It was a really powerful movie that touches on so many deep fears and just raw emotion. I'm still not able to fully process it.

I didn't even think about this. But the more I do, I can't imagine anyone else in those roles, least of all "indie" actors.

I totally agree with you. She was incredible. I've never found her to be terrible (mostly because I have avoided All About Steve, whatever that movie with her and Ryan Reynolds was, and stuff that I knew I would hate like The Blind Side)…she's always been middle of the road for me. But SHIT GODDAMN is she great in

This is true. I'm watching the second episode now and that beefcake-y main dude is just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Not sure it's entirely his fault, though. Also, this hacker girl is just damn annoying.

I feel like SHIELD suffers the most from having a cast that is 90% comprised of Only On TV actors…you know, the people with incredible hair, pretty but forgettable faces and mediocre acting ability (see also: The CW). I felt like every single actor outside of Colbie Smulders and Clark Gregg were just blugh. I'm going

The first 2 episodes of series 3 of Luther = the most terrifying thing I've EVER seen in my life. So not okay.


Already did yesterday. I don't think I got any responses though :-/

I'm at work so I can't watch this video but "Indeed, “Butt what?”" just made me snort laughing.

It's about a brooding (read: sexy), brilliant detective who just CAN'T follow the rules but DAMN does he know how to solve crimes.

"Blink" continues to impress me, it just crams so much into one episode. I've always loved how the audience becomes part of the story.

The first two episodes of series 3 of Luther. So legitimately terrifying!!