Louise Of House Belcher

It actually might not be stupid enough.

Yeah, what the fuck?

I fully believe that lawyers swear up a storm behind the scenes. Though doing so in front of clients and during depositions is probably not the norm.

THANK YOU for alerting me to Yelping With Cormac. Shit, that's great stuff!

Yeah, she is pretty much stunning on this show.

I guess I meant it's rare for the Newsroom staff to completely drop the ball like that (from what we know about their level of camaraderie). Definitely not a rare miss by Sorkin and this show as a whole.

The whole Maggie haircutting thing was kind of odd. Like, YES it is definitely alarming when an otherwise "normal" girl cuts her own hair herself and dies it a terrible red. But shouldn't Jim have intervened more when Maggie was clearly drinking too much and making general poor life decisions before? And the fact that

OH MY GOD it so was The Departed rat.

Yeah, that was the biggest improvement this season by far. I also thought Olivia Munn was just fantastic, regardless of all the odd angles and corners Sorkin wrote Sloan into.

Why does Don have that Sweet Smell Of Success poster in his office? Like, of all the things to hang in your office…

That was a genuinely stupid recurring joke BUT I just thought about how hilarious it would be IRL if, say, Rachel Maddow kept getting interrupted by Chris Matthews or something. I would die laughing if she were just like, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??"

Ditto…I bought it at a Reckless Records tent at a street fair and saw the regular cover and was like "WHAT IS THISSS??" But thankfully they had the deluxe one and it was only $4 more.

He is next-level amazing!

I think Jonah Hill is a great actor, his comedic timing and delivery is just spot-on (see: 21 Jump Street)

Hader pretty much killed it. I especially loved his burns on himself. "He's the guy you hire to provide one exposition line and then you never see him again for the rest of the movie"

It wasn't even that he was being creepy…it's that he was doing some next level Pacino-style scenery chewing.

He's not great, but damn is he nice to look at.

Premium Rush is so fucking awful. They do the whole Tarantino time thing to reveal things that are not at all interesting. Also they keep showing you a map of the city when they're biking around to be like "Look how far he just biked". Jesus fucking Christ. Just the worst.

I didn't outright hate season 4 but it left a lot to be desired. The bloated run-times had a lot to do with that…

He played a general in In The Loop. Slightly different tone to that role though…