Louise Of House Belcher

I was SO glad we didn't have to deal with any relationship nonsense. This episode definitely surprised me, easily the best of the series so far.


@sans_frontieres:disqus @avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus Spider-Man 3

Let the record show that I would most definitely tap that.

Goddamn Terriers. I was obsessed with that show, but it proved too subtle for the FX audience. I cry real tears every time I watch that show, doubly so now that it's gone.

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus Boosh and/or Kakow!

To quote Pat Francis as Paul Stanley on Never Not Funny: '"If you're drinking and driving tonight, drive home real fast. Get home before you kill someone!"

I enjoyed Date Night but it definitely wasn't exceptional. I also have a bit of a soft spot for Crazy Stupid Love, though it kind of veers into overlong not-at-all-funny Apatow territory. It also gets VERY weird with that babysitter story line.

@avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus I had forgotten about that shitball scene. Thank you for adding fuel to my hate-fire!

That was probably my favorite part of the whole thing.

@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus You're very welcome. Hope your hangover goes away soon!
That was definitely Videogum's best recurring "column". Though I do HIGHLY recommend the Joe Mande "Taking One For The Team" posts. Especially when he had to go see a Tyler Perry play. A must read!!

@Billie_Dawn:disqus Oh, I was thinking about the broken heel on her shoe and then she gets crapped on for being upset about it. I was not kidding about wiping that movie from my memory.

I had no idea David Hyde Pierce had anything to do with Hellboy…that's a really stand up move on his part. Doug Jones is one of those huge talents that most people are totally unaware of because he's almost always in a costume. Such physicality. It's not easy to do what he does, so it's great that David Hyde Pierce

Dinner for Schmucks looked patently insane, but almost in a performance art sort of way… Like, if you were to say you didn't like it, one of your pretentious friends would claim that you just didn't "get it".

@avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus The only movie I've genuinely considered walking out of the theater during was Spring Breakers. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that movie.

@Billie_Dawn:disqus To be honest, I thought they were all terrible. But I think we were supposed to sympathize with SJP's character? But wasn't a huge chunk of her character development based around her love of shoes? Or that she brought the wrong type of shoes? I honestly have blocked that shit from my memory, but I

I'm pretty sure Videogum covered that movie for The Hunt for The Worst Movie of All Time. That movie is just abysmal… I had entirely blocked it from my memory.

@avclub-ffc3460c431f41282064dc7acdd70797:disqus Well that's super shitty.

@avclub-da9671a90c3aa13554f7b4be726ff230:disqus Oh, I didn't know that. But still, accidentally tweeting your nude selfies is still some idiocy. 
I guess that explains why she was pretty unfazed by the whole thing. If I remember correctly, she was just like "Whoops?"

So, I'm not a journalist or anything, but did anyone think the snippets of Jerry's interview with General Stephen Root in next week's episode seemed weird? The question was worded like, "Did we use sarin gas?"…like, that is just shoddy interviewing. The question should have been something along the lines of, "Did the