Louise Of House Belcher

He's one of those actors that I just love to see in stuff.

They do have a IRL sexual idiot on the show…Alison Pill. She had a Mackenzie-esque technological slipup and accidentally tweeted a pic of her boobs last year.

I love that Chris Matthews' son was the one to deliver that line. His dad must be so proud.

Good god Lemon.

I'm at work so I can't watch this right now but I'm dying to! Ryan Adams is definitely my favorite liberal socialist hippie queer antichrist alt-country musician.

@avclub-24f6f7a488efc0455e1cb95aea962bed:disqus For some reason, I read that in the voice of Dave Foley's creepy-as-fuck (yet hysterical) character on Veep…when he played the husband of the PM of Finland. Totally unrelated but I just wanted to share.

This list is missing "Rock On". There's something about that song that makes me super happy. The drums and guitar riffs are just so elemental. I feel the same way (more so, actually) about "Friction" by Television. That's some all caps ROCK right there.

The cake thing the week before (or was that two weeks ago? I don't remember) was so freaking sad. Louis is a fucking weirdo, but he's also the most relatable character on the show. I hope he gets majorly vindicated at some point.

Michael Sheen is my pick for the next Doctor. Not sure he has any interest in doing it, but I think he would be amazing.

Elba also seems to have his heart set on being the next Bond. That seems like a much better fit for him, as far as franchise-y/big deal roles go. Though, I would NEVER complain about more Idris Elba on TV (or in movies). Never.

I have thought about Rupert Grint a lot as the Doctor. I actually think he could be brilliant at it, but I would think he might want to steer clear of another fandom-heavy project. He's already pretty much exclusively known as "Ron Weasley". Adding "The Doctor" to that might make it difficult to have much of a serious

Does anyone else think Michael Sheen would be a great Doctor? Because I do. I really do.

Harry Lloyd. Even though he's been on Doctor Who before. Harry Lloyd.

I loved the shit out of that movie. So moody. Exceptional acting. Just so great!

I'm trying to picture Danny but I just keep seeing Warren Brown from Luther. Danny is basically the DS Ripley of Homeland.

THANK YOU! It was driving me crazy last night and she wasn't in the episode cast on IMDb.

You want to see a really disturbing killer under the bed, watch the first episode of series 3 of Luther. Yeeeeesh!

All John Hawkes needs to turn on that acting magic is a dirty white t-shirt.

In the case of the Operation Tailwind CNN fuck up that this Operation Genoa plot line is based on, it is VERY OLD news (1998, to be precise).