Louise Of House Belcher

This is a serious bummer. I just saw Midnight Run the other day. (He rocked the shit out of that pretzel sweater.) Such an exceptional talent. RIP.

Lisa is such an odd character. Yes, she has been established as ditzy and skanky, and she even says that no guy ever wants to introduce her to their parents. But when she actually talks, I think her dialogue is pretty sharp. She also seems to have a solid (but maybe not prestigious) career. It just doesn't go along

Kanye West is actually the worst. Taylor Swift is a very close second though.

Well played, @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus

Smash was nominated TWICE for original music and Bob's Burgers gets nothing??? Also, one of those Smash songs is fucking terrible…just because Megan Hilty and Bernadette Peters are singing it doesn't mean it's good.

Agreed…what the hell? No Hannibal noms??? And though I'm happy Anna Chlumsky and Tony Hale got nominated for supporting roles in Veep, Matt Walsh was overlooked. :(

I'm a man man man man man maneater

That's exactly what I thought. Now we get to be outraged when it turns out we're right. Or it's something even worse.

@JohnReinhardt:disqus I loved their little exchange. More of that, please.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus I watched it when it was on one of the movie channels and I just didn't give a shit about any of the characters, so I didn't really follow the story. 
Also, Hayden Christensen wore that stupid fedora for 100% of his screen time. Terribly distracting.

She has kind of a strange face but she is definitely sexy. Definitely the most interesting female character we've seen on Graceland so far.

"It's a great movie" is something you don't often hear about Takers

My crush on him is boundless

Charlie is by far the most convincing undercover agent on Graceland…girl makes a seriously convincing junkie.

Forget how bad the actual movie most certainly will be, it's just a terrible trailer.

Mousehunt is wonderful.

@avclub-486e0f105ac00e240c4fadf35089dc48:disqus What was up with that pretzel sweater? Though I assumed it must have been the height of fashion at the time, because Farina only wears the best.

I JUST saw this for the first time on Saturday (it's on HBO Go). Loved it! Though I did notice a really weird cutaway during the helicopter explosion sequence… Like, you see De Niro shoot the back of it, the camera pans out to show the whole helicopter, then there is a close shot of the cliff wall and you sorta see

I can't say I've seen a Pacino movie in a while, but the How Did This Get Made episode on 88 Minutes really made me want to watch that shit. I must have been under the spell of Pete Holmes' hilarious Pacino impression.

While You Were Sleeping, definitely. COMATOSE SANDY COHEN!