Louise Of House Belcher

There were 23 likes on that comment and I made it 24 WHAT HAVE I DONE AHHHHHHHHHHH

Ha! YES! Sweet Jesus, I hate that show but I'm probably going to watch every episode of it…because I hate myself even more.

I cringed for Amy.

Stan's reaction to Don's suicide ad for Sheraton was one of my favorite moments this season. I think he'd be great for my darling Peggy.

Wrong. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

Gary's fists-covering-his-mouth excitement when Selina says she's going to run of President was the best fucking thing about this episode. I had to rewind it more than once.

I really liked that line from Megan about the kids and how she immediately regretted it. It felt so real to me, and I completely understood her frustration.

I won't consider Hannibal to be in trouble until he starts weeping blood.

That will be so fucking awesome.

I was so tense this entire episode, because I knew it would never end well for Will. I really thought Alana might figure out what Hannibal was doing and take him down. I have goosebumps just thinking about how evil Hannibal truly is. Poor Will. Somebody help him!

Thanks for reminding me how awful those zombies in I Am Legend looked.

I just want an mp3 of "Shot By Love". Is that so much to ask?

The mime thing. Oh my god. I couldn't handle it.

I thought it was impressive how she was able to reign in a lot of that potential craziness, actually. It didn't seem over the top to me. I loved how she was still drugged out but to a lesser extent when she had to go in front of the news cameras. JLD is just brilliant.

I laughed so fucking hard.

That sounds like The Doctor, not Superman. I feel like there was a really insane amount of fighting/violence in this movie…Superman had no problem beating those two Kryptonians (is that what they're called?) in downtown Smallville to a pulp (or attempting to…)

Was anyone else INSANELY IRRITATED by the "handheld camera zooming in and focusing" thing that kept happening during the action sequences and when Superman was flying? It drove me especially crazy when he was flying above the earth…who is operating a camcorder in space?!?!

I saw that show two weeks ago by accident (it was on in the hotel while my friends and I were getting ready) and I was pretty astounded by just how 90s sitcom-y the jokes were. I was never that great at science and I understood all the references, so I definitely see your point.

Ah yes, here it is. The all-purpose response to any mention of Veep.

Huzzah for Archer and JLD for Veep. What the fuck? for The Big Bang Theory.