Louise Of House Belcher

"Broken Train" is a great song as well.

AGREED. "Golden Age" is just stunning.

@avclub-f6eec14c6c15230a56f51eedb28e297e:disqus Game of Thrones is not a documentary.

Is Hannibal not eligible or something because it premiered this year? I don't understand how the nomination periods work.

Huzzah for Rachel Maddow! She's such an exceptional news anchor.

Oh my god, I missed that. Need to rewatch.

"Are we really going to let the guy with the rapist face tell us what to do?"

Whatever he said about coming over there weekly for gab and grub….cringed. Cringed so hard.

The Mother Boy song is stuck in my head now.

He does a really great job, as insanely disgusting as he is… I know from reading Wikipedia (vaguely spoiler-y, but not really because it's not in the show) that his character actually was doing some pretty fucked up shit in book 2 (arguably much more awful than what was done to Theon). I think his character was

Yes, I loved that! Poor Shae, having to watch Sansa and Tyrion together. :( The whole Tyrion/Sansa/Shae situation is just painful to watch. Though Tyrion and Sansa's scene at the beginning of the episode was pretty great. Sansa remains my favorite lady in Westeros.

I feel like Matthew Weiner gets a little annoyed when people try to figure everything out, especially when they get it right. I'm not saying that Bob Benson is or isn't a spy, because I don't really care that much…I just hope Bob Benson sticks around, because he is mighty fine to look at.

I like Whedon just fine, but this looks dismal. The trailer was really awful and I don't know if I could get past the shoddy looking production value. This isn't Birdemic or something… this is being released as an actual movie that people are expected to pay like $12 to see. Meh indeed.

@avclub-b438234660b05ac0fa7c13ec58bec06b:disqus I think of Ja'mie as the interloper since she's the transfer student. But she is a main character so I don't know if that counts. What about Toby? I love how that whole storyline comes together and Toby ends up being the hero of the series.

I thought about this too, but I just really want to see more about SHH on the AV Club.

I rewatched this a few weeks ago. I cringed just remembering Neil's awkward crush on Lindsay. It is kind of sweet though.

Ja'mie King from Summer Heights High

Seconded. That's my favorite story from the Ninth Doctor's brief run.

JustinBobby from The Hills