NO. Just no. You are not only wrong, you are historically wrong.
NO. Just no. You are not only wrong, you are historically wrong.
I feel like a lot of the Flygirl posts are fulfilling the stereotypes of the young, obnoxious, “traveler, not tourist” types that seem to think that they’re crazy, cool, awesome people that are so much better than boring squares. Like, they’re away from home, so they just go kinda wild and who cares if they…
Ouch. What? Her mum took out a mirror on a parked car and didn’t stop.
Go you! When I started dating my now-husband, he hid that he likes shopping, cares about style, is emotional, etc. I told him to embrace the things he liked, and he surprised me by sewing us both matching chili-pepper printed night pants for Christmas. Men shouldn’t be pressured to be the breadwinner, ‘manly’, or the…
strike a similar chord to a man proclaiming that his emotional state makes him “the woman in the relationship.”
I’m sorry, I believe you forgot MARK STRONG.
Psshhh I am 4’11. I STILL climb on counters and even then stuff is still out of my reach. As the person who does the majority of the cooking and can’t get the spices when I need them I hate it so very much. Also when you have a full time job and your body hates you the last thing on your mind is climbing and jumping…
Let’s go crazy, Broadway style!
And yet, a person probably still couldn’t get a decent cup of hot tea in America. Sigh.
Guys it is less than one week until my New Testament Greek exam for my PhD program. I don’t get a dictionary. I’ve been reading Greek almost daily since April. So far I’ve managed to avoid screwing up my English syntax, and I discovered today that I really understand Paul when I read 1 Corinthians after an extra…
I am a complete people-pleaser and it’s something I need to work on because whilst it’s partly my Hufflepuffly, wouldn’t-it-be-nice-if-everyone-was-nice, genuine happiness in helping people, it’s also partly out of a sense of insecurity. I need people to like me because I have trouble liking myself. It’s also a…
To me, being fake - as opposed to being a multifaceted person who acts differently in different situations - means being a liar and hypocrite. And very few of us tell the truth and live up to our ideals all the time, so we’re all at least a little fake.
This is so sad. In 1978, I was one of two adopted babies allowed out of India. The adoption was through Missionaries of Charity. Given the long-ingrained contempt of women and girls in some aspects of Indian culture, to think that that many more children won’t be helped (mostly girls) is heartbreaking.
<3 <3
If you’re travelling to ANY island nation without rabies, I would do your initial appt with your vet 3-4 months out rather than two. If they require a rabies titer test-those can take up to 6 weeks to get back and it’s not worth the stress. Other things to note: if the usda has to sign off on your papers-also look up…
Those are okay. Here are my Docs I bought back in ‘91 and are still going strong!:
These are amazing. I want. Of course, I would have to keep them behind my closet door and only open it every 20 minutes or so for very patient visitors.
I sat on it, and it was comfortable as hell. I've never been so starstruck in my entire life and it was for a damn chair. Also #tinderpic.