
I don't know why people have to make things so difficult.

For those of you wondering, my husband, Jonathan Taylor Thomas With A Baby Deer and I are doing wonderfully. We've recently welcomed two children, Snap Bracelet and Sticker Earrings and we are just over the moon, me and my husband Jonathan Taylor Thomas With A Baby Deer. Life couldn't be better with him, my real life


You know how Prince just glides into a room, says like 10 words, glides back out and then everyone loves him? Madonna should try more of that. Fewer words, Madge. Fewer words.

Well Sineeeeead O'Rebellion! Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behaviour.

Isis wonders if she can pull off the bunny look.

This seems like as good of a place as any for this:

I haven't even read the entire Dirtbag; I just had to come down here and post this after reading that headline.

Since when is it mandatory? The only part of a wedding that's mandatory is the actual marriage.

In the early aughts Chloe Sevigny used to frequent the same Thursday night spot as my friends and I did ... One night we were in the bathroom at the same time, I'm washing up at the sink as she exits the stall and proceeds to use her canvas purse to wipe the inside of her thigh (clearly a pee drip) - peers over me to

Mark, if you DON'T want a cross-stitch version of this to give to Allen as the birthday gift he never knew he needed, the time to speak up is NOW

What kind of MONSTER poisons a purpie?

Everybody knows, badgers love, mashed potato!

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger

After a lady known as the "Most Hated Woman in Britain" tweeted that Clarkson looked fat onThe Graham Norton Show

Oh this is so confusing!! I have white skin, blue eyes... but I'm Argentinian... Am I alowed to call myself latin???!!! Can I do "latin" stuff? And wear "latin" clothes?? Or should I do "white stuff"? HELP!