
Yes! Hopefully the Innocence Project he worked with utilized that kind of expert, because I do remember them saying in either opening or closing statements that he was "developmentally delayed." His whole story is beyond words awful.

I could not agree with you more! How anyone could watch that any of the Brendan tapes and think any of that is okay is infuriating. His IQ wasn't even in triple digits and it was quite obvious he didn't understand anything that was happening. At the very least he's developmentally delayed and it seemed pretty clear

I am undecided on Avery's guilt or innocence, but agree the brother and ex-boyfriend should have been looked at closer. He admitted to hacking her voicemail and was allowed onto the crime scene. Nothing if not suspicious.

"The Ice Book" by Davy and Kristin McGuire, a pop up book brought to life with cut paper, lighting and projection mapping. The first time I saw it, I teared up for some reason.

That whole album made me want to be a better artist.

Seriously, every time I meet someone named Pete, I think, "PETE! Ya got customers!"

I totally agree.

I am more angry about Handsome Pete not getting letter H then I, or anyone, should be.

Ah. True. Nevermind.

Maybe it's a bit low-brow, but no mention of Landford, the fictional suburb near Elgin where Roseanne took place? It was practically another character.

There was a reference to Tori. Screech called her, "Aaron Spelling's beautiful daughter."

I used to watch old Degrassi when I would get home from junior high. It felt so subversive and I kept the remote close by in case my mom came home.

I instantly feel bonded with people who like Ray LaMontagne and I think it's mutual between other Ray fans. He's not wildly popular, so whenever I meet another fan it's like we instantly get each other.

Mona looked awesome and this is probably the most we've ever seen of her in an episode. I would watch a show that was nothing but her and Roger on an endless road trip.

It kills me that they call it a "split season." It is not split if they are a year apart. That's two very short seasons.

Yes, subtlety was not on the menu this week.

The word "buttocks" stops being funny about 15 minutes after you die.

It's creepy during the day, too. It scared the shit out of me the first time (or 12) I saw it.

Harry running out of the room crying during, "The Carousel" pitch will forever crack me up.

I agree. I mentioned below that when Joan had Kevin, she was in a similar situation to Don's. She thought she was being replaced when she saw the joke ad in the paper. So you would think she'd at least be a little sympathetic. I liked mean Joan of seasons 1 and 2, but this was beyond that.