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did this comment make sense to you as you were typing?
No one wants to live near pickleball courts.
A good lawyer should be able to plea them down to a manslaughter of crows.
It’s gonna be tough wearing masks of all six faux-SCOTUS justices, but anything for revenge.
Maybe just assault?
We’ve been training a crow in our backyard this summer. She definitely recognizes us and will “ask” for food. We’ve named her Monicaw
Everyone knows; “The Birds” - but another birdy film a few years later is also great - a Robert Altman directed black comedy called: “Brewster McCloud” - with Bud Cort, Shelley Duvall and Sally Kellerman - right around the same time Sally appeared in the film: ‘MASH’.
Now this is the kind of quality article I expect from Life Hacker.
So I once sent my sister a video of a woman training crows and told her she should try it. She decided to actually do it. She has two right now, George and Spot. She’s still working on building their trust because sometimes her dog fucks up the program, but she received her first obvious gift, a marble, a few weeks…
Cassowary. That’s the bird you want in your regiment.
my path to turning into an IRL wizard is becoming clearer and clearer.
This is the most beautiful and diabolical article I’ve read in a while, and I love it.
Have you considered not going out of your way to read and then comment on articles about the trial you don’t care about?
I am shocked at the number of women I know who are adamantly pro-Depp on this. I kept seeing one meme on Facebook that was like “Johnny was there for us, now we need to be there for him!” Ma’am, Johnny was never there for you, and if “being there for him” requires calling his ex a whore, maybe think about that for a…
If I could like this 1,000 times I would. So spot-on. Having a purity test for sexual abuse victims that they must pass before we believe them is disgusting.
Believe women - unless they’re problematic, or shit in someone’s bed, or say mean things, or have a mental/personality disorder, etc... I had no idea that believing women who say they are victims of sexual abuse had so many caveats.
The thing about liberals and some leftists being thirsty as f**k to prove how clever and above it all they are by claiming that they “both seem to be terrible people” (as many in this sites comment section have done) is that it’s..... based on what? Besides trying their hardest to maintain the illusion of…
I tried really hard not to feel involved or invested in this trial—I don’t know anything about this relationship and I don’t want to assume innocence or guilt when such horrifying accounts of domestic violence exist on both sides.
I don’t think it’s really that hard to understand. Heard has come off as very unlikeable through this entire trial. Unlikeable people apparently can’t be abused, they must have caused it somehow. /s