Louise Belcher Was Framed

My ex wife was part of Weigh Down from way back in 1995. She fought the battle against her weight continually and throughout her entire life. We separated in 2012 and in 2014 she packed up and moved to Brentwood Tennessee to be an attending member of Remnant. She lost over 100 lbs immediately after the move but of

From the time I turned 12, in 1982, my younger sister and I stayed home alone a lot. Our parents were divorced and we lived with our dad, so he left for work before we left for school and we stayed home alone after school until he got home from work. In the summer, we were home alone all day. We frequently rode our

I was like 6 years old when that TV movie came out and that’s when all parents became obsessed with us kids walking in groups and having a headcount which I didn’t know at the time because I was too young to have it really explained but I do remember being annoyed having to do it. My told me about it when the movie

One of the big warning bells about Mars Hill (besides the obvious personality cult fostered by Driscoll) was when they paid cash for a large piece of property in Bellevue. As in, several million dollars. What kind of church sits on that much cash when they have to step over homeless people to get into their building?

Exactly. The assertion that financial success is a sign of God’s favor means that anyone trying to call the wealthy to account is rejecting the ‘judgement of God’. Never mind that whole business about how it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a wealthy person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, of

Oh, that was sooo good! 

I was also going to recommend this. It’s a very in depth look at the church. Mild warning, the podcast is from Christianity Today. Although they do not in any way excuse the bullying and abuse, they do occasionally remind people that the pastor did do good by outreach to the community in terms of supporting the poor

fantastic pod series and also very triggering from experiences in years’ past. the end of churches like this will be very welcome by anyone who professes any faith. They are run by patriarchal, power-hungry, and full of bait-and-switch manipulation. 

When the leader of the church cozies up to the rich and powerful all alarm bells should instantly go off. See every Evangelical church. This particular church struck me as shady the minute I saw them hanging with Bieber. It’s kind of like watching your business manager partying in Miami with Leo DiCaprio. Grab your

This family was on an episode of Below Deck (original) as guests. Between that season and the previous season Captain Lee lost one of his son’s to addiction. Somehow the topic presented itself and watching the captain and this family discuss their loss throughout the episode was heartbreaking. It was a very different

The car of Rock Bottom. 

Ford Contours last for-fucking-ever. They seriously seem more durable than Crown Vics or most of the trucks on that list. My wife had one in high school/college, and it was a hand-me-down to two siblings, then gifted to a sibling’s friend, then their girlfriend.

That jumped right out at me as well.

7 trucks

Oh come on. Zalensky’s star power is undeniable. I don’t understand why Jez would complain about the attention he’s getting. Prince Harry and Duchess Meg got saturation coverage for months on end and they’re tedious dullards who have a fraction of Zalensky’s charisma.

Couldn’t agree more, which is why if Evangelista wants to break the cycle she should start a model’s rep agency that does provide more than gigs.  I expect there are a lot of former models who would sign on to the effort.

I think anyone going into this line of work needs to understand that the industry does not care about you, no matter how beloved you may feel in the moment, and prepare for life once they turn to the next girl. Because no one within the industry is going to take care of you or tell you what to do next.

If they knew even an iota about Jada, they would have known she is not the type to sit down, shut up, and look pretty without having any backbone. Her mental toughness and confidence was central to the show. What did they think was gonna happen?

Remember the whole Nancy vs. Tonya scandal? First Tonya was the mean one, and then Nancy was because Nancy didn’t know her mic was on and she talked about how dumb some parade was.