I want to buy you a drink and discuss this further.
I want to buy you a drink and discuss this further.
Right - I don't watch D.A either but I don't go around publicly pissing on it loudly.
Strike two, Cucumberpatch. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/poll/2012/aug/14/posh-bashing-benedict-cumberbatch?fb=native
Oh. Okay. Well, the more you know!
I thought a disease was any kind of abnormality in the body. Alzheimers's is a disease, cancer is a disease, and they're not contagious. My ex was diabetic, he and his doctors called it a disease.
I kinda like that feeling of squeezing out the blood/uterine bits during shark week yoga.
Ha! I did the same. I was sick of stupid questions about Australia so I went into stealth mode and assumed a vague London accent.
Yeah, isn't is a metabolic disease?
Your punishment? EAT ALL THE 'MITES.
I prefer your version of reality.
I often wobble my head and make a weird noise when trying to open doors. I love Silurians. (the old ones, didn't dig the new ones)
Yeah its face looks too short for a kangaroo... but maybe it's a baby grey?
I know, right? And yet I LOVE that English is a non-regulated language. It might make ESL students pull their hair out, but it makes it all the more funner.
SERIOUSLY. That is a political shitstorm waiting to happen. Let's throw Promite into the mix for added fun and games.
Now I'm questioning my relationship. My man physically pushes me out of the bed if I have a cold, I get the feeling he would not deal well with body fluids from any end.
Wait, what? Australia has no guns? My dad and uncle in Australia have guns. You have to have a firearms licence and secure storage and a valid reason (which does not include 'self-defence').
Oh goodness, no. None of my favourite friendships would exist otherwise.
Vegan Food Scientist sounds like an awesome super hero.
I love her and her fierce turtleneck-mini-dress-thing she wears.