Louis S. Stool

I don’t think it takes over from Webber. Webber’s was the final game, period, of the NCAA season. JR certainly has more chances to fuck everything up because the play didn’t decide the Finals in its entirety, just Game 1.

Except you don’t have to pay for college

McGee’s is more of a physical miscue, while Smith’s was purely mental. Physical mistakes seem to be more forgivable—or at least more forgiven (Bill Buckner notwithstanding). I think Smith’s mistake take the title from Chris Webber’s timeout as the most significant mental error in basketball history and, given the

“...inside, couldn’t quite finish.”

“JR Smith que pasa???” 

The victim blaming in the first article’s comments is disgusting.

NP with some relevant first-time BMW owner information.

Well they wanted a show that portrayed trump supporters, and they sure as hell got that! Lol.

Bruh, it’s right there in the report. He was taking Shroom Tech! I have no idea what that is but now all the teens are going to quit the Tide Pods and start Teching!

This is a pretty typical acute psychotic episode. He may be bipolar, depressed, schizoaffective, etc... it’s frankly a shame this public info now.

I don’t wish ill on Incognito and hope he gets well and makes the best of his life, I did RELISH the thought of that stupid fucking take getting dug up and rightfully mocked.

Right about now, Andy Benoit must be furiously trying to figure out how to remove the dopey shit he wrote about Incognito in that MMQB column.