Louis S. Stool

Tumor was in the pelvis, which is above the hip, so removing the tumor is itself a multi step pain in the ass.

Can we get AJ McCarron's Mom to weigh in on what's being said here? I think I need closed captions.

You do know, you whine and scream like a little bitch when you're scared?

Sorry to lump you guys together, or not distinguish between you as it were.

To say the DSM's are problematic is a huge understatement. When the people who write the DSM's inclusion criteria receive cash from the companies that produce the treatments for that pathology, then I would say that places a gigantic question mark over the entire field.

Thanks for that. Yeah, there are a lot of good things that psychiatry does, and some of their drugs work fairly if you can get the patients to be compliant, but jeez. What they do seems do far removed from evidence based medicine that it's shocking. Not to mention hardly any of them do psychotherapy, and the most

"...I truly hope one day psych will identify an effective intervention." Hahahahahahaha. LO fucking L. Psych determing an effective intervention is about as likely as a fashion designer identifying a new infectious disease. Their entire profession involves simply describing a patient's symptoms as reported by the

-increased risk of seizures
-increased use of auto tune
-increased risk of slowing down your music, repeating the same lyric 3 x, and calling the resulting product "screwed & chopped."

Extreeeme Slopestyle Course Too Extreeeme For Extreeeme Sports Guy

Is that even English that I'm reading?

Hello. Not sure if you've ever visited stuffwhitepeoplelike.com, but, 1) one of the entries is "being an expert on your culture." And 2) in college I took a Black Studies course so I feel obligated to educate everyone on racism regardless of their race. I kid, but I definitely used to be an ass like that and only my

38 year old gets knocked tfo while acting like he's invincible, same 38 year old snaps leg in half against same 28 year old opponent, I'd say the facts of the matter demonstrate it was fairly decisive.

Am I the only tasteless dickhead who expected a photoshop competition?

Ha! She does like talking about herself. Ego Trippin is the Tao of Nikki.

I had her for Creative Writing, which was kind of a joke class/easy pass for football players. So while I can't comment on her ability to teach more rigorous courses, I loved her in that course. I do think that sometimes it can be difficult for well-known people to engage us commoners on a personal level.

Is it too late to try her for murder? Clearly she messed up and must pay.