
There are things that individuals can't do, that institutions can. So to really help change the world, we have to work with and within them. The President gets this. His response, using the institutions of the presidency and the media, emboldens the forces of evil and hate, on a large scale. So that's why we are

His advisors certainly know, and probably tried to warn him about this, but remember, this is a potus who wants his daily security briefing, for the entire world, down to a single page.

Jennifer Rubin, conservative op-ed writer for the Washington Post, also called him on "so sad!" using underlined, bolded, italicized words with multiple punctuation marks. She's one of the dying breed of respectable conservatives who have never been okay with Donald or his shit.

In reply to your second point, yes, universal coverage would be great, and single payer really ought to be the goal. Can we get there in the next few years? Maybe. It's considered a given that Trump has given ammunition to the liberal side of the force on Health Care, and that Obamacare itself, though a

I said this in a comment above, but Bernie and his wife REALLY tore into her, especially around the New York primary season, when it was pretty damn impossible for him to win the nom, unless she got caught in bed with Melania, or something.

Also, she might have been concerned about the GOP having already done a huge amount of oppo prep against both her and Bernie, and having to face both folders in the general. I think that had something to do with it.

Oh yeah. Putting its tallest, best-fed troops to look good within sight of the US and ROK troops at Panmunjom? That's all about appearance. I'm well acquainted with juche and also with how important saving face is to the Koreans. This is why upping the rhetoric in the idea that he could bully the DPRK was an

I agree that he doesn't actually want war. But brinksmanship and being engaging in a military dick-measuring contest with the USA fits into how he maintains his regime, I think.

Christ, that is a boat. Back when cars weren't built to crumple on impact; they were designed to plow through anything unfortunate enough to try and hit them.

Paula Deen, is that you?

With you on the poptarts. Some generic cereals are fine though; I think the ultra-simple types, like Corn Flakes. Even Kroger can't mess them up.

I make my membership $ back just by getting their cheaper gas as much as I can. Right now, my neighborhood Costco's regular is… wow! more than 30 cents cheaper than the Meijer across the street. Dang.

Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. I think that it might be a hard argument to sell to older African-Americans though. Many will, QUITE understandably be suspicious of anything that weakens their collective voting power. But at this point, it's not like their interests are overall being served in Washington or most state

Pence is terrible. Absolutely terrible and he knows how to work with congress to HURT this country, badly.

More than impeachment, we need these next two election cycles to go our way so that we can work on redistricting. Personally, I want pushes for each state, either through leglislative or initiative means, to amend constitutions to require non-partisan redistricting, starting at the latest in 2030.

YUP. And his repeating the phrase is one of his tells. That was ad-libbin' Don.

Look, you can say what you like about my methods, but I did restore the Roman Empire in my time. Also? My wife was smokin' hot. Don't ask about her previous job.

That IS hard, because of course, every school out there practically teaches that "racism is bad, mmmkay?" But when that crap is modeled at home, the school just becomes part of the elitist Enemy class.

Yeah, I breathed easier when China sent those signals to Washington and Pyongyang. Hope the two maniacs at the top listen.

Work to strengthen the Democratic Party in your area, with your time if possible. It's the only other game in town, and it needs to start taking back state legislatures. If there are no good candidates in your area, talk to people and try to find out why that is. You may even consider running yourself.