
You think Pyongyang has pivoted, though? They luuurved Trump's saber-rattling in their direction. I hope things calm down, but much as I blame Trump for handling N. Korea in the worst possible way, remember that Kim Jong Un is a psychotic dumpling very capable of dragging East Asia into a regional war and including

Haven't seen the video. I will watch.

I think that even if war breaks out, Kim is less likely to use nukes than conventional ordinance. If he nukes Seoul, his country is going to become a glass parking lot. Even China will probably royally fuck his shit up. If he uses conventional arms, I think the Chinese will still tell the U.S. that we better

From your… uh, t'aint? to God's ears!

Eh. As long as his words don't get Seoul looking like Sarajevo.

Ah Christ you brainless buffoon. "We condemn all acts of hate, bigotry and violence." That's ALL you had to say. The racists would've still heard what they wanted to. By adding in the many sides comment, you gave away the game as usual. All sides are equal, right?


I wouldn't go that far. Especially to the young, it seems profound. "Like, we can't actually, you know, know, man."

The problem with agnosticism is that it says essentially nothing. I'm agnostic. Just means I think the existence or non-existence of God or Gods can't be known. And, duh.

We forgetting Rocky and Bullwinkle?

Yeah, I fessed that I def. overstepped with that phrase. Saying someone deserves violence committed on them's never the right response. I was feeling a bit peppery last night.

I voted Nader in 2000. Part of why I feel so strongly about this.

I understand, but I stand by my position (though maybe with less violence; bourbon's a helluva drug). We have a first-past-the-post system. Two parties. Work to change them in the primaries, then pick your poison in the general. Let's say you think Stabenow's too conservative, for instance, and you don't do

I'm saying: You want change in who goes up for the Democrats, get the work in NOW. I don't care if you're Center-left, Far-left. Whatever. There's work to be done now. I've got a canvas in my district tomorrow. If someone who doesn't quite match up with me is on the ballot next November? I'll vote for them

I vote for "Kinja Rock."

Screw anyone who FUCKING lets Kid Rock take Debbie Stabenow's seat.

I don't understand this point at all. If you're talking about Sparta, they had more in common with those "empires" than any representative democracy. I mean sure, the citizens could vote in an assembly, but the Council of Elders (30 dudes) could overrule them whenever the citizens got things wrong. So how much say

Eh. They didn't want to be conquered. That's "fighting for a form of freedom" that basically every civilization does. And let's not forget that the Persian Empire was actually a cosmopolitan, relatively free society ways different than the Greeks (had no real problem with the Jews, even if the rulership were

Snicker. If only we knew, Dik. Kinja's putting all these comments in a pretty new light, yeah!

I love reading these old, anti-NuDisqus comments in the Age of Kinjapocolypse. Nice reading old comments of yours, @Archmage, while I still can.