
*Faints dead away*

But there was also something meritocratic to the AV Club, in a way that any commenting system with something like "the greys" ain't gonna have. I didn't often have comments that lit the community on fire, but I had even fewer when I wrote up a piece commenting on a (killed-of) character on Hannibal. I wouldn't have

I got it. Thanks. Delete away!

I got it. Thanks. Delete away!

And if you take my hand my son,
All will be well when the day is done.

And if you take my hand my son,
All will be well when the day is done.

And if you take my hand my son,
All will be well when the day is done.

You can still get to it through Disqus, at least now. On your profile, find a comment from here, click "View in Discussion" and that's how I got back here.

You can still get to it through Disqus, at least now. On your profile, find a comment from here, click "View in Discussion" and that's how I got back here.

Maybe they should have an easy way for you to get back to the main site from a news story? I mean, I'm no web designer getting paid thousands of dollars but…

Maybe they should have an easy way for you to get back to the main site from a news story? I mean, I'm no web designer getting paid thousands of dollars but…

Maybe they should have an easy way for you to get back to the main site from a news story? I mean, I'm no web designer getting paid thousands of dollars but…

They did. But we tended to dwell on the commenting, so site design may have gotten buried.

They did. But we tended to dwell on the commenting, so site design may have gotten buried.

Well Sartre'd.

Well Sartre'd.

Can be combattive.

Can be combattive.

Can be combattive.

Except him. You know which one I mean.