
Nifty. I lurk a bit on the Avocado, but see if anyone's willing to sponsor me over there (same handle, capital "L"). It's pretty clear this place is probably going to be salted earth before too long, despite what I honestly think are the best intentions from the staff leading this town hall.


Fuckin' A right.

And mussels. Alive, alive-o.

Well, I don't know if that's true or if it's not. But I do know that Rocky Horror left me with a worse impression of Transylvanians!

It's a small moment, easy to miss, and I'm sure some idiots read Bill as being an effed-up tranny, but the distinction is made in the movie, and Bill being rejected for entry into a gender-reassignment program/course of operations is one of the clues they use to track him down.

Yeah. The original Casino Royale is terrible. Just a mess of a production.

So, lemme see if I get this straight…

"Tell them Texas remembers."

And piloting X-Wings.

In Italy, Bologna is the place to eat. This is known. A few years ago, on our honeymoon, my wife (then my fidanzata, technically because it was a pre-wedding honeymoon) went to this little restaurant tucked away on a back street a little ways from the central piazze. And even though the Italians are moving away

Forget not: He upvoted the necessary procedural vote earlier this week, right before giving his sanctimonious speech. He said he WOULD vote for Skinny Repeal, a law he hates, if he was assured it would not become a law. That's ass-backwards politics. In some ways, his "no" vote last night was to provide cover for

You know, we commenters talk about how we're outta here when the Kinjapocalypse comes, and to a certain extent that's true. But I'll never stop reading these Will. They're some of the crown jewels of the AV Club. This is a great one.


Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks. "Like this," not "like this".

Miles is a boss. No disrespect.

And DS9 made Worf, frankly a much more interesting character. By the last season of Next Gen, he was just Klingon Honor Guy, dating Troi, no interesting stories. The writers on Deep Space Nine made him vital again. And he was the one character from TNG who just made sense joining the established cast on the

"how the hell did they build it?"

Yes! My kindred spirit who doesn't like Kill Bill! I don't think I've met one on the Internet before!

I dunno… I kinda think Virginia's got us beat these days. But it might be a nail-biter competition.