Well then where the hell is my check?
Well then where the hell is my check?
He just wants to assail. Some folks are plain and simple ass(ailing) men.
Awesome misrepresentation of what I wrote. Truly well done.
Yeah, I get that sense about his relationship to women too. How well his understanding of objectification is reflected in the show? That's something we could have a long talk about, I'm sure.
I don't recall. "Show runner" wasn't really a thing back in those days so it's possible he wasn't responsible for Mr. Tojamura.
Fair point too about women. Very fair.
Life hack: Anytime someone uses the acronym "SJW," you can safely ignore anything they have to say. Works every time.
Depends on our definition of "significant," doesn't it. Maybe I should have specified "main cast."
So… you're agreeing with my criticisms? Cool, good talk.
Lynch's lack of skill with non-white characters is one of my sole continued frustrations with him and with Twin Peaks. I was observing on some of the AV Classic pages: There were only two significant characters of color on the original. Hawk, while not a bad character, does lean on the mystic Indian schtick from…
I love the use of music in this series. The classic doo-woppy stuff are just brilliantly incorporated into the proceedings.
Gimme a break. I understand why Netflix cancelled Sense8. I do. The show was expensive as hell, simple as that. Doesn't mean that there aren't legitimate criticisms to be made about the manner of cancellation, because there are.
A) Cancellation announcement on the first day of Pride Month. Just… do a better job…
There will be no point. The AV Club is still a place of good content, but it's become less and less unique over the past couple of years. Still a place where I want to come and see what Donna Bowman has to say about Better Call Saul, to be sure. But for most of the pages I click on, I'm heading right to the…
Screw that. I hated HIMYM's ending far more than either LOST or BSG. Neither of those were perfect, and I get some folks being underwhelmed, but the ending of Mother was a straight-up slap in fans' faces.
There's a Monument Valley 2??? Oh HELL yes!
I was really disappointed with how unenjoyable I found Dragon Emperor. Chinese martial arts movies and The Mummy series? Two great tastes that taste great together! Sad to see them squander that potential.
I hope you're not Patton yourself on the back for that pun.
That's right, Barron. To Juvie with you!
You're right! If we just offer to buy drinks for the muslim world, our problems will be solved!
So well said. Bravo.