Yeah, you're probably right about Luke being TLJ. Buuut, you never know!
Yeah, you're probably right about Luke being TLJ. Buuut, you never know!
Trump's already spoken admiringly of Kim. North Korea's dictator is Trump's kind of leader, really.
That's a very fair point, especially about the Marvel films. They should have Black Widow merch. But more germane to the conversation, they should also have freaking female centered movies.
Really, how do you figure? Particularly Rogue 1 I don't think you could say there was any character more central than Jyn. I'd also say that Rey is pretty clearly the central character of TFA*, though it's less cut and dried than Rouge 1.
To be fair, Force Awakens and Rogue 1 were Disney too, right? And think what you will about them (loved them, personally), they're rooted in very strong female characters.
No, I'm pretty sure Genji's right about her.
Yeah, and there was a photo entered into the proceedings I believe, of a lantern on top of a pile of newspapers. What if Mesa Verde's files had gone up in a fire? That's malpractice for sure.
Roy Cohn? Aren't you dead?
All right. Nice talking to ya.
You're going to have to continue to be sad, then. Because: *clears throat.*
Bill Maher's words were racist and not okay.
What Jason Jones and Sam Bee did was nowhere near as clear-cut as you're making it out to be. They protested the re-zoning of their kids' school, right? And the rezoned school would have been more…
I'd just argue with defining the practice as "theocratic;" rule by the clergy. It's religion-inspired though, no doubt. Same reason I can't send out mail tomorrow.
Your mileage may vary, and apparently did, but I'd never describe the first three episodes as "dead." I was interested in the characters, intrigued by the questions that rose from them. And then Ep 4 blew my socks off.
Oh that's right, he's JEWISH.
Yeah, that's why I don't even try to justify my vote by comparing him to Stein. I remember that interview. Head, meet palm. And then he tried to defend it by giving a history lesson. It's like dude, you're white. You don't get to call people Uncle Toms, even if you think their behavior justifies it.
That's what I'm talking about. I voted Nader in 2000. And "childish" is exactly how I'd characterize that vote I made. I felt voting was more a means of personal expression than of civic duty to the country. And I didn't understand why third-party candidates will N-E-V-E-R knock over the big two.
Ahem! That, sir or madam, is a slander, and a libelous lie!
Goddammit, run for President, Al. The American people don't care about the coke you did in the 70s. Look at what we let into the White House last year!
Who wants realistic? That's not what I tune in for, on the show where a Korean lady can psychically inhabit a Kenyan man and machete all his enemies to death.
Pain's still raw, man. Let MLA have her moment to wallow in her loss. I also recognize the fiscal realities of Sense8 (in fact made comment about it), but fuck it, let people call Netflix assholes for a day or two. It doesn't hurt to do that sort of thing on the Internet. And if it lets us feel better, so much the…
Counterpoint: Doctor Who sucks.