You know, I don't care that Fearless Girl was put in place to get eyes for an Advisors Group. Whatever the intent of the original commission, the piece has meaning which I, the beholder assign to it.
You know, I don't care that Fearless Girl was put in place to get eyes for an Advisors Group. Whatever the intent of the original commission, the piece has meaning which I, the beholder assign to it.
Either way, is it pronounced "Connecticut?"
Sorry, as a geography teacher, I'm just not getting past the second sentence which somehow placed Connecticut at the halfway point between Montreal and NYC. Does Connecticut have an exclave in Vermont?
Also? Goddamn Supreme Court nominees. A less hostile court to the idea of non-partisan redistricting requirements, and to curtailing soft money. Fuck that Stein voter who once challenged me to give her a reason to vote Clinton, "and don't say anything about the Supreme Court." If you can't be arsed to care about…
Nooooope. Can't watch more than 2 minutes of that.
I think I hated Kate since her second focus episode or before. I know that by S2, I was actively dreading Kate-episodes.
Jin and Sun, too. Basically nothing except trying to find the other for the last 2 seasons. Sucks because Sayid, Sun, and Jin were my three favorite characters from almost the start.
Well put! I agree with you an all counts, and don't really get how much people disdained the endings of LOST and Galactica. I *understand* I just don't get it.
Bender, how could you? Fry was your FRIEND!
We are Devo.
That was legit awesome TV.
Hey, from your last few sentences, maybe there was a REASON that Finn Jones was trying to draw a connection between his character and Donald Trump.
That's fair, with the caveat that those superdelegates would've abandoned Clinton in droves if they saw what they saw was a stronger candidacy taking shape (cf Obama, '08).
Wow, that's an awful lot of things that you very casually dismiss as having an impact on Hillary Clinton's loss, and you don't seem to consider that each of these things may have had some impact, and so none of them are THE reason for Clinton's loss, but each played a part in setting the stage for her loss. Just "all…
The DNC didn't cost Bernie the nomination. You know what did? 17 million people like me who voted for Hillary. I looked at the two of them; I listened to their debate performances, I read their websites, and I decided that I wanted Clinton to be president, not Sanders. 13 million people looked at the same choice,…
"Excellent labour, salon pamphlet!"
I've been in love with the use of her character ever since she effortlessly dealt with Wilson Fisk, punched Matt Murdock into tomorrow, and then was like "yeah, this Daredevil guy is making what's essentially a side project for me, into far too much of a hassle. Gao out."
It's Constable Bob! I have great faith in Oswalt's abilities to make this awesome.
So you're saying that Claire was Colleen's Wingman?
I thought that Renie was such an interesting character. There's also some interesting sub-text with her background; as the child of Caribbean immigrants, she's from those people who would, before the Synths, have been on the receiving end of claims that "they're coming and taking our jobs." I don't know/remember how…