
At first I was convinced about the feeling bad part, but more and more I'm not. It's hard to be informed, but it's not really THAT hard. I'm all for making sure the modern economy and out democracy works for a greater number of people, but for these guys who thought the correct way out was to elect a feckless orange

You know, if it weren't for the fact that most African Americans would still be in bondage, I'm almost inclined to say it would have been a good thing if, after Fort Sumter, Lincoln had been like "eh. We'll have a nicer country without Alabama."

Capheus will still be in it, as I understand. Just a new actor.

Seriously. I used to burn excess wood from building materials as part of my homebuilding job; and whenever I needed to get a fire up and going, I threw two or three pallets together. With all the holes to ensure air flow, they WANT to catch on fire. Only things that burned better were cultured stone boxes, which

Polly didn't often get punchlines, but I always loved it when she did.


Fella was on Kings. Lots of respect for him.

Then… this is truly The AV CLUB's time.

Three Stories.

Season 2 is what makes The Wire into THE WIRE. Before that it was a police procedural, though granted a good one. With Season 2, David Simon threw down the gauntlet and said "fuck your easy answers. You think a story of drugs in Black America is just a story about drugs in Black America? Fuck that."

Did you read Charles Blow's response to Trump's making nice-nice to the New York Times? How he was now willing to have an "open mind" about climate change, and Blow was like "no, fuck YOU, that's supposed to be the default position?"

"Timeless Tuvalu." Soon it's gonna be "Out of time Tuvalu," amirite guys?

Do you leave me, then, to pursue some other reason?

Thank you world. I was looking for a new reason to despise Gwyneth Paltrow, and you came through.

I have two rabbits, and just in case my wife finds my post on the AV Club, I'd better say that I will never eat rabbit again. She wouldn't take that well.

Aaaand now the GOP's calling to #boycotthamilton. This. Is. Awesome. The rest of us may actually get to see it! Any Trump supporters who needs to unload their worthless ticket at pennies to the dollar, I'm your man.

We could do a hell of a lot better than emulating the racism that was the norm during their coming-up time, too. Polls showed most of them were opposed to the intermarrying of the races, for example.

I once knew a guy who nominated Harold Weir. You know what happened to him?

Thanks, Trump!

Yeah, the Dems taking back the Senate isn't going to happen. Buckle down for 2020. Tell your god to ready for blood.