As a past owner of multiple BMW’s I agree. None in my foreseeable future either.
As a past owner of multiple BMW’s I agree. None in my foreseeable future either.
Well they made sure this one was a half-black American divorcee this time, to minimize risk of fascism.
Counter-point: It’s not your property so don’t fucking touch it.
When I see people carving their names in things at national parks and I confront them they always have the same excuse “well other people did it!” to which I respond “Moron, there are 15 names carved there. 1.5 million people visit this park annually. That means 1.5 million people -minus 15- aren’t as selfish as you.”
While being buried up to almost the roofline like that means it probably was going to get written off by insurance anyway, the fuck gives some asshole in a douchebro truck the right to feel like it’s ok to drive over the top of it? And that lamesauce excuse of “Well... we weren’t the first or the last to do it...”…
In my opinion, the most beautiful auto.
With easy-to-disconnect swaybars for times when you need extra articulation
It only diminishes them if they don’t make this one more expensive than the AWD.
Exactly. This is about the same level as talking to the guy at the sandwich shop.
it is New Jersey so that’s really only about 30% of normal New Jersey aggressiveness.
but won’t feel like you’re about to democratize a small country.
I heart this poem!
My stories are pretty lame too— I do a lot of vetting before I meet in person so that weeds out most weirdos (and non-weirdos, frankly. I hate the whole dog and pony show of app dating). My bad dates have been mostly garden variety rudeness.
Not technically the worst date I’ve been on (The date was actually nice enough, we had a god conversation, drinks were good etc) but the probably the worst guy I ever met off tinder. So I went out for drinks with him, it went well, wasn’t that into him but I’d just been dumped and he was fun to hang out with. Then 2…
So. I’m sure there’s an Irma thread somewhere. But I’m sitting in a hotel room 2 states away from my little condo (dead center ground zero for this vicious bitch of a storm) worrying, and can’t be buggered to dig. And this will probably stay in the greys, but it’s nice to know that the world is still going here on…
Their base is so good, but I wish they had some simpler flavors. My grocery store only carries the flavors that have ten pounds of chips/chunks/clusters/WTF in them. I just want ice cream, not ice cream holding together piles of sugary detritus.