
Did you all miss the Mercedes parked next to it? Dollars to donuts it’s a 300TD, and what we’ve got here is a bona fide acolyte of the Temple Of Diesel.

I’m not really talking about range anxiety, which I’ve always thought of as somewhat irrational. I’m talking about the entirely rational concern that even a 300 mile EV isn’t going to be able to take a road trip beyond its range unless there is a high speed charger placed conveniently en route.

Except that, psychologically, it’s difficult to buy a car that is stuck in a charging island, even if you only plan on leaving the island a few times a year.

There is definitely a need for an all phase clean up in that neighborhood

True. But Tesla has already built a shit ton more cars than John Z did. And their cars are better.

Why do they get a pass? Because they are a new company learning as they go and their customer base to date has been enthusiastic early adopters who feel as though they are engaged in changing the world.

But what makes you think they can’t make them at a profit? Don’t confuse overall profitability of the company with per unit profit; Musk has said he expects 20-30 percent gross margins even on the Model 3.

They weren’t swept under the rug, though. The quality issues were fully ventilated. Remember the freak out over fires in late 2013?

Values aren’t separate from policy. They can’t be. What he’s saying is that sometimes one of our values (protecting our self interest) will conflict with other of our values (promoting the well being of others).

Yeah, I’m going with the crowd and saying E39 540iT. That was available here, unlike the E34 M5T, and fits the “V8/auto” bill (unlike any M5 wagon).

Wait! What kind of wagon!!??

For $38,000, I expect them to just keep bringing me SP2s until I turn over the red card and ask for dessert.

For this, you get a VW Golf clap.

It turns out the bottom seat cushion in an E90 M3 is fairly easy to remove. Which is good, because if you get conned into using one as a family car by the two rear doors, you’ll find youself pulling it out more than once when your toddler barfs all over the backseat. And herself.

“Mid America finally shipped the completed thing from their little engine-building shop in California”

Close call. The yellow lights and four doors *almost* sell it for me, but at bottom $4700 is too much to spend on something that slow.

This comment and reply is everything.

I guess the Tax the Rich crew now have a write-off.

Ha, was going to post almost exactly the same thing, word for word.

Pronounced “churches,” but spelled in a way that’s easy to google, which I can’t believe is a coincidence.