
It’s a bright spot, for sure.

I was kind of being facetious. It’s actually pretty close. Of course, the Tesla display font is all virtual, programmed-on-a-screen, and the shift lever (on my older car) is a stock Mercedes part. So they probably had to program the display to match the font on the pieces they were getting from Daimler.

This. I’ve seen SSs heavily discounted; it’ll be above budget but not as much as you might think.

It’s not clear to me that the steering rack or other associated systems in the P100 would be any different than what they’re using in all of their other cars.

In the primaries— I meant she got the most votes in the primaries

If you go back through several decades of US presidential elections, you’ll see that in years where the incumbent President is not running (and even in some years where he is), the change/outsider candidate almost always wins. See, e.g., Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama. The sole exception is George HW

Agreed that they are very different movies. But Ronin actually had some interesting driving in it. Drive, ironically, did not.

And the driving that is in it is powerfully, powerfully stupid.

If Blockbuster still existed, it would be a great public service to go into every one of them and replace the DVD inside all the Drive covers with Ronin. Then you’d have something.

Also the driving in Drive sucked.

As I said in response to another thread, somewhere:

The DNC nominated the person that got the most votes *in the primaries.* Sorry I was not clearer about what I meant there.

Sounds abrasive. On the plus side, people would be really anxious to get them off.

There’s plenty out there contradicting this narrative, but I will say only this: if the party elites could pick their candidates, Trump wouldn’t be NPOTUS.

Like I said, I don’t know whether the documents are a true and complete record of what happened inside the DNC. Frankly, I don’t give a shit. They could be sworn statements that the DNC preferred Hillary and they still wouldn’t impress me. Of course the DNC preferred Hillary. So did a large majority of the DNC

What? No. My point is that the power of the DNC to “fix” or “rig” the process is basically non-existent. HRC did not win the nomination in 2008 because someone better stepped forward to beat her. HRC did win the nomination in 2016 because no one better stepped forward to beat her.

2008 (and, on the GOP side, 2016)

Or...you know. Just leave them on.

I’m talking about the most votes in the primary. The DNC created a primary system. HRC got many, many more votes in those primaries than Bernie did. The DNC gave her the nomination as a result.

So, a trove of hacked documents released by a foreign power with the intent of demonstrating that the US election system is rigged, shows that the US election system is rigged? I am neither surprised or persuaded.

But even if you trust the wikileaks info (and I don’t), it doesn’t matter. Obama ‘08 and Trump ‘16

There is plenty of blame to go around. Literally every eligible voter that did not vote for Hillary gets to share some of it. I don’t care who they voted for—Stein, Johnson, themselves, the Rent is Too Damn High Guy, no one—they deserve part of the blame.

And, yeah, HRC’s campaign deserves some shit for taking WI and