
You totally can! Don’t let the haters drag you down. I once ran into co-counsel in court wearing Doc Martens with her suit. It has inspired me to this day.


No pain from his insanity? These people can’t all have bunkers in Cheyenne Mountain, can they?

IDK. Bill Clinton is scheduled to appear.

Teslas (unlike, eg, Jeeps) have a sensor that automatically puts them in park if you leave the seat.

If he jumped out of the car, it put itself into park. If the car wasn’t moving, the motor wasn’t spinning, either. Not sure what he heard making a loud noise. Maybe the climate control? Or the battery fans? Those can sound like an engine. The motor sounds like nothing.

Hopefully it is only campaign disasters we have to look forward to.

But see that’s the thing. Donald Trump is built on making people like Ted Cruz come groveling back like servile puppies after he attacks and humiliates them. That’s what Trump does. No, scratch that. That’s who Trump IS.

How did he expect Cruz to swallow it and come back for more? That’s all he expects people to do.

Re: the header image—good idea, sir. Hillary should absolutely pick someone named Jesus as Veep.

Except then Jesus would be like “render unto Caesar,” and would decline to run. More than the on-stage miracles, *that’s* how you'd be sure it was really Him.

If their slogan isn’t “N: it’s whatever you want it to be,” they've missed a real opportunity.

TP ‘16!

No, because the Model S doesn’t have those doors and it’s still nearly as expensive as the Model X (though part of this is market positioning).

No one buys vans. A van is a non-starter. A simply SUV, with the function of a Ford Explorer but the drivetrain of a Model S, was all that people wanted and would sell like

It can’t be a coincidence?

Actually I think she might be pokemon.

A prime time assignation at the DNC might indeed spoil her chances at being picked for Veep, depending on who the assignation was with.

I shouldn’t have. But I LOL’d.

Is the sky ever blue in Pennsylvania?

This, x1000. If there were a product that read my emails to me in Lauren Mayberry’s voice...well, I don’t want to tell you what I’d pay for that.