Aztek Dummy

100% agree. and they had a perfect setup with Hela (goddess of DEATH) that they could have used.

it’s a bigger, noble sacrifice to know whats going to happen, but let it happen anyway, knowing that - on the balance- it was worth it. No doubt it would take a toll on Cap, but that can be the hero’s journey as well. The relief on his face when he could finally talk to Sam when the two are finally “resynced” at the

not if you double the size of the planet

did you mean the Big BoppER?
he saw the future where their next album sucked, so yeah, time to “take the Chevy to the levee”

maybe he kept the Bradley experiments from getting bigger/worse?

It’s the old “Kill Hitler and someone worse takes his place” paradox.
Butterfly Effect and all of that. Better the devil you know.

He knows just how bad HYDRA got but kept them from complete takeover because he could feed Peggy intel from time to time to

the first question they need to answer is why didn’t they just ask Thanos to wish for twice the resources?

it looked very much to me they weren’t rebuilding, they were just coasting on fumes. The trashed neighborhood in SF, The baseball stadium, etc...

to Shankia,
Steve WAS the husband of Peggy. He didn’t abandon the time line. He had the full knowledge of how history went after he was thawed out and judged the world went just fine in the end (well good enough not to tamper with) and so he stayed with Peggy knowing that a younger version would be thawed out in 2014.

I always had a big problem with the term “Blip” as if nothing that happened in that 5 year period mattered. Children were born, loved ones died, great art was created, atrocities were committed yet all of this is wiped aside in favor of a “return to normal”
Folks who did great things in that 5 years would have every

Thank you. This reminds me of the whiners complaining that Monica didn't get enough time on a show called WandaVision.

Nope. Glad he’s dead. Every time Batroc showed his pretentious little face I was hoping someone would just shoot him like that swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark

long time viewers of TNG knew that Picard had a terminal illness hanging over him. If the Synth body got rid of that, but didn’t give him any physical advantage he didn’t already have ( no super strength etc...) then it need not be addressed again.

so, no giant Aunts in this one?

geez, how many time is Snyder’s name on that poster?

Satire? You mean prophesy...
those “bluetooth” Headsets

can I please get out of the Grays? it’s been years now

oh that’s easy. The lights aren’t for show... they’re a byproduct of the mag-lev process. it’s the light that pulls the travel pods along.

and like actual train tracks, there are bits of “bypass tracks” so pods travelling in opposite directions can get “side tracked” while the other one goes thru

so, Sky High: The Series?

I for one would love to see Q’s reaction to learning that Picard is now basically immortal.
then he could go back to the 21st century and deal with the a-holes that are causing such trouble in his name.

Scott was able to get in, get the goober he was looking for, and get out. That’s a win in my book. Anything else is gravy.