Hey Jamie Dornan,
Hey Jamie Dornan,
Kim K. and Victoria Beckham rolled into one.
Typical Scopio...
About the response I'd expect from people who literally think the universe revolves around them.
I have an old friend who lives and Hollywood and has a beautiful 10 month old. she is refusing all vaccinations for him. Logic doesn't work. She will not listen. But hey, she gave him a Tibetan blessed necklace that wards off evil, so it's all good, right? This is a privileged college educated woman. Her friends…
That would look pretty hot ... on Blanche Devereaux. In 1986.
Thought Catalog is nothing but a failed humanity experiment, like eugenics or Pauly Shore.
Already realizes her parents are awful people.
A few thoughts after many years on the Gawkerverse:
Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.
I'm all for bringing back the greys, with one condition:
Dear Justin Bieber's PR team: Go home, you're drunk.
Also: rehab his reputation slowly. This is way too obvious a stunt. Waaay too obvious.
There are things I doubt in this world. A thing I do not doubt: Kanye's love for that behbeh.
You understand that this was a joke, right? It was hyperbole. I know this doesn't matter in the context of this post, but I also teach so I know that there's a lot more that goes into it.
Blanda Eggenschwiler sounds like what you would say to a server in Germany if you wanted to send back a sub-par omelette.
I just tweet-commented that both Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt's publicity strategy is "Just go out there and be a human version of a puppy."
I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption. …
Why is it so hard for people to believe that this girl actually does do "work" for a significant portion of her day? Photoshoots are work (even if they're self-produced for Instagram. That apparently is a valuable asset for her). Interviews are work. Courting paps while she does errands all day is work. Filming a…