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    nice job! we need a Piz cameo


    Rancheros? oh. I thought that was a pizza.

    OMG! That totally went over my head. This show is so amazing.

    Yes! I think her "reunion" with Major deserves more than a minute.

    She would have been the phoebe, but major and Ravi have to live across the hall.

    At the boat party, didn't they turn violent immediately? Maybe its when you turn from the Max/Utopium combo you turn violent immediately. but when you turn from a zombie's scratch you don't. also Liv, Major, Blake, all got scratched and then died and then came back as nice zombies. Maybe that's part of it. or maybe

    Didn't Chief survive a head shot?

    I don't know how much the fans had to do with Don -E. I think the writers liked him so much and wanted him back. They always wanted to keep Payton. but she was too expensive or had something else in the works.

    Yes, she went out with a band. Her last lines on the show were some of her best. I thought she would have made a great zombie next season too.

    Art History.

    Next season Ravi becomes Cosima and goes to work on the cure for Viviane's company. And Liv/Sarah kills Viviane/Rachel with a pencil throughs the brain.

    We need some Party Down cameos now.

    also the fact that Dale Bozzio was in the band "Missing Persons"

    could be a direction for next season. Bozzio investigating and Clive dissembling.

    Zombie Town. the video game.

    I just was reminded of back in Veronica Mars when Piz and somebody are talking about singers and Piz states that Rob Thomas sucks.

    The third season has got to be a whole lot different. I think I’m going to miss the "old" format. But good shows always change gears BEFORE you get tired of it. So, next season, no chief, no Rita/Gilda, No DuClark, no max rager and maybe no Bosio. But we will have Liv, Ravi, Major the zombie, Clive who now knows,

    Holy Mackerel. this thing is off the hook. 312 comments already

    I tried Master of Sex but I couldn't get into it. I did skip ahead to the sex scene with Rose before I skipped it.