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    At the end of season two i sort of expected the end of the Brain of the Week format. I expected it to be more of Liv & Friends vs Filmore Graves. So I was very happy that we got a whole nother season of the original plan. so we might be pleasantly surprised with what the writers can do with the Post D-Day season.

    Is this a record for Rob Thomas.? a show that makes it to 4 seasons.

    One of the things I liked about the show is that even in the third season, people who first met Liv still commented on her appearance. Even tho we got used to it. the show kept reminding us that it was weird.
    Dale's was my favorite. The chick in the morgue that makes Goth work.

    The mean tweets were at the beginning of the season. I think maybe episode one or two.

    Urban Fantasy is a type of fantasy. but instead of occurring in another "universe" or in our own past, it occurs in something very similar to our present day.

    I think it could have used at least 3 more episodes. Maybe 5 or 6. but not 10.

    Oh good point. Rob Thomas might have been expecting more episodes. I wish they had more, now.

    There is a genre called Urban Fantasy. Where fantastical elements exist in our present day world. Harry Potter and Buffy are good urban fantasy. Superman and some of the other comic book heroes seem to live in a similar world - but not ours. It looks like iZombie has just made the transition.

    Orphan Black is back!

    Oh! Good Pickup.

    List of loose threads.
    1. What about Mr. Boss?
    2. Who was sending Payton the mean tweets?
    3. Where is the cure?

    It seems like the last two episodes were rushed. And thinking back, I can remember feeling that about some other episodes. Seems like this season needed at least 3 more episodes maybe 6 for this big of a story.

    Maybe Chase Graves likes that movie and it gave him the idea.

    Just the last one. She chickened out or returned to herself or realized what she was doing just in time in each case.

    I think its well established that Ravi does not have "Normal reactions". Think about S1E1, when he discovers Liv eats brains and is a Zombie. He is excited and curious!

    Did you suspect Logan. I suspected Duncan. I just thought Logan was an a-hole.

    "So well"?
    He loved them.

    Oh good pick up!

    Girl #1 is the guy -who- killed -the- dominatrix's daughter.
    Girl #2 is (maybe the daughter) of an high ranking Filmore Graves administer.
    both are zombies. This gives us some connection with FG and the murder of the Dominatric and the cover up conspiracy. What that connection is still needs to be seen. Oh and some

    Rob Thomas must be Jason's best friend. First he writes a script where he get to be in bed naked with Kirsten Bell. then he writes a script where he gets to be in bed with Rose McIver.