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    When you finish VM you should start on Party Down!

    Who wants Rita back for Season 3? As a redhead or as a blonde? As a Zombie villain? Or as Liv's new memory free BFF?

    What Buffy reference?

    Me, too. That hour went by so fast!

    Its the attention to detail, that makes this show so great? I can just imagine the writers room. Ok so we have about 20 seconds to include something about the brain they eat. What can we do in 20 seconds?

    I think he said "Flesh Eating Zombies". If he said BRAINS, Clive might have had a light go on.

    Oh, no. when they search Major's home, do they find his Chaos Killer Kit? Does it implicate Ravi? Ravi asking Bosio about Minor? Ruh-ro.

    I know, these guys do great season finales. ,

    Really? what about the Radio Station in the Student Union?

    Type A. When did the food puns start? Last week with the club sandwich was the first one I noticed.

    OH man! couldn't Ravi give them the cure and let them have amnesia??!!

    I'm hoping that Don-e and Chief make it into the 3rd season as the "comical hapless criminals". They could run the brain business but keep getting in trouble. They could even be like Kenny in SouthPark and get killed a different way each week.

    Hey?! is it some kind of rule that every police procedural is required at some point to visit a strip club?

    if they don't wrap up chief and Don E by the end of the season…. I think they would make a fun nemesis next season. Easily manipulated and controlled bad guys who continue to feed Seattle's zombies.

    I thought they said fast back. which it is. but you are right - its not a hatch back. A Vega is a hatch back

    I thought i had replied to this.. but …
    i read he was contracted for 2 episodes.

    Ken may be too busy or expensive. but I would love to see him show up and get cross examined by Clive.

    Yeah, i read somewhere he was going to be guest start in TWO episodes. I thought they would be back -to- back. but i guess if he is in just one or two scenes they could film those before he left Vancouver.

    I don't know…. I could see a plot line where they become the dumb crooks characters like in a Elmore Leonard novel. And as Zombies they could get killed each week and then come back. Kind of like Kenny in Southpark.

    I know. if feels like the show has turned a corner with the brains and visions.